Weekly Request List Update Update….

Written by AHQ

6 March 2017

Here is an update to the Update…

As so often happens we are having a few technical difficulties and the request list has not gone out. I have someone looking at it and I am sure all will be resolved in good time.  In the mean time you can check out the request list on the blog. Please do not send me emails requesting to be put on the list as EVERYONE who has registered their email address with me will be on the list until they opt out.  We just need to get the list up and running. 

Your patience is appreciated.


Hi All
Just to update you….

I have had a number of quilters request that the request list go back to being emailed out to everyone. I have resisted this until we had a good system in place and thanks to Clarissa, we now have one up and running as of today.

Those of you who have given me your email address will now be receiving the request list via email as well as it going on the blog.   

You will have the option of Opting out if you are happy to continue to receive the request list via the blog as we do not want to be spamming you.

Hopefully you will find one of the two methods suits you .  Today is the first day we will be using the new email system so if you have any questions or queries please let me know. We are always striving to do things better and your feedback is important in letting us know what we need to improve. 

Keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


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