Weekly Dispatches 5 July

Written by AHQ

5 July 2013

The tally so far.  

51 quilts this week and 59 laundry bags.

742 quilts and 1443 laundry bags for 2013.

1749 quilts and 2809 laundry bags in total.

Before you enjoy this week’s show I have to tell you a story.  Today I went into a new Quilt Shop for the first time.  It was very quiet there and so I was able to talk to the lady behind the counter who I eventually worked out was the owner.  I asked her if she had heard of Aussie Heroes and she hadn’t so, as there were no other customers, I started to explain.  She was very interested and without me needing to ask she wanted to know what I would like from her!    Now I never go in and say I want this or I want that.  My response is always whatever you are comfortable with doing would be wonderful and I give examples of what other people do.  By the time I left the shop, we had chosen backing and binding for the quilt top I had taken with me and not only would she not let me pay for the backing, or the binding she is going to donate the batting AND quilt it!!!  In the future we will be holding sewing days there as well.  How Awesome is that!  

I won’t identify her shop yet as I have not checked to see if she is happy for me to do so, or if she would like me to keep her involvement anonymous, but l will check with her and if she is happy for me to let you know then I will.

But in the mean time, what a generous thing to do.

Now grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy the show.  There are LOADS of awesome quilts and laundry bags on show tonight and many of them from brand new Aussie Hero Friends.
Well done one and all!

Eleanor is another new quilter to AHQ who came to us through our HMAS Newcastle Chaplain.  These are her three quilts!  WOW!  Love them!

Fiona is another Aussie Hero newbie and look at the gorgeous quilt she has created!  

Melissa T

Fay sent off her first quilt for AHQ!  Thanks Fay!
A gorgeous rainbow of a quilt!

Anna is another Aussie Hero Newbie and these are her first three quilts!  Way to go Anna!


This BOM quilt was pieced in Penrith and quilted by Stephanie

This is another BOM quilt, pieced by Gail and quilted by Stephanie

Cath W has excelled sending off two quilts and four laundry bags this week.

Christine C (WA)

Clyde Street Quilters are a new group to join us and they sent off the next four awesome quilts.

Diane F sent off these next four quilts

Diane also made the next four quilts and Angela bound them and sent them off.

 Emma, daughter of our Newcastle chaplain created this cool Army themed quilt, her first solo quilt.  

She even made it reversible.   I had to edit out the label as it has the recipient’s name on it.  Way to go Emma.  Bet your Dad is proud! 


I made this one and

Belinda quilted it….with fire trucks!!!

You have seen this one last night but I put it in seeing as it was dispatched this week.



This is our Joint Effort quilt all finished and posted off.  In case you can’t tell, this was the “Blue Stars for a Girl” quilt.



Kiwi Karen


Maggie sent off this quilt and an awesome laundry bag but I can’t show that to you as it has the name on it and that would give the game away wouldn’t it!

Margaret R





Liz J

Melton Willows Quilting Group


The Pilgrim Patchworkers are back and isn’t it nice to put some faces to the names!

Barbara M and Eleanor R

Jenny an Barbara L


Valhalla Talking Threads 

Till next time……………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

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1 Comment

  1. Sue Niven

    They blow my mind! what beautiful creations! Love them all, Fantastic totals.


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