Weekly Dispatches 5 January 2018

Written by AHQ

5 January 2018

WOW!  A new year is apon us.  We did so well last year.   Can you believe that we did 1755 quilts for the year! Amazing!  and as well as that we did 3433 laundry bags. What a great achievement.  Well done all of you.   And so we start the tally for this year again….

So far for 2018 we have sent off 17 quilts 

Bringing our total since we started to over 8,415 quilts


28 laundry bags for the year 

 Which brings us to a total of 16,548 since we started…

Anna C 

Anne Ho

Bev M 

Cath Hpr
Cath W 
Cathie J 

Cheryl R 
Chris E front and back 

Debbie N
Ellen N 



Jo B

Kathy W 

Lyn K 

Melissa L 


Helen and Pat 

Rebecca K 

Robyn W quilted by Bev C

Ruth S 

Sue N 

Susan Pa

Great work everyone!   Enjoy your down time if you are lucky enough to have some!

Till next time…. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree  xx

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