Hi all of you happy “Sewers”!
It is my first blog for 2018 (JMB did the weekly despatches last week as I had a quick trip to NZ to take my nearly 90 year old Dad home) and I feel as though I haven’t been in contact with you all for such a long time. (It must be withdrawal that I’m going through). The festive season has come to a close and the only thing left is to take down the Christmas tree and go on a diet! I hope you all enjoyed time with your families. I’m hoping that all the Australian Defence Force personnel deployed around the world are keeping safe and that they are feeling cared for.
The work you have sent in last week and this week is innovative and colourful. What wonderful start to 2018. We are going to have very happy recipients!
So far for 2018 we have sent off 33 quilts
Bringing our total since we started to over 8,431 quilts
59 laundry bags for the year
Which brings us to a total of 16,579 since we started…
BOM’s Jennifer W
Brenda K
Cath W
Debbie D
Debbie D
Debbie N
Debbie N
Janeene B
Kay C
Kaye G
Kaye G
Kaye G
Kaye G
Louise M
Louise M
Lynn R
Lynn R-S
Lynn R-S
Marg B
Marg B
Marg B
Marg B
Marg B
Marg R
Marg B
Margaret B
Mystery Quilt top pieced by Lynn and quilted by Covers of Love
Mystery Quilt, top pieced by Lynn and quilted by Covers of Love
Rita M
Ruth S
Ruth S
Ruth S
Ruth S
Ruth S
Ruth S
Sally R
Sally R
Sue N
Such a wonderful start to 2018!
I hope that you haven’t fried too much with the hot weather over January. We look forward to wonderful summer weather through the seasons of Winter and Autumn and when it gets here we sometimes wonder why we wanted summer. When we get those ridiculously hot days and things are so uncomfortable out of air conditioning, spare a thought for some of our deployed personnel that have those temperatures to work in full uniform.
Have a great week, enjoy the long days that let us do things outside in the evenings until late.
See ya round like a rissole
Wow same great work by all