Wow. The sails of the Sydney Opera House will be ablaze with poppies to honour the fallen for Remembrance Day. More than 60,000 Australians fell in World War One, with 156,000 wounded or taken prisoner. Share your plans to mark the moment the guns were silenced: 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, November 1918.
The above post was shared on the ANZAC Live Facebook page and I think it is a beautiful photo and also a lovely tribute.
I believe very strongly in paying tribute to the fallen from so long ago, whilst also remembering our more recent fallen, as well as those who have come home changed forever and, as always, their loved ones.
So how about you share your plans to mark the moment the guns fell silent.
As you know I have been invited to be here in Perth when HMAS Perth comes home today. At 11am today (Perth time) I will be on board the ship and will spend one minute’s silence in the company of the crew of HMAS Perth. What an absolute privilege.
Wherever you will be today, however you will spend it, please spend at least one minute in reflection.
For many years I paid respect to this day but never with too much emotional involvement. Till this year – when I stood amongst my students, friends and colleagues pausing in respect and remembering the fallen young men and women while thinking of my own son who is in Brisbane, in the army and who has become one of those who will go out and defend our way of life if need be.
This day took on a complete new significance for me. I realised that through my son I have become part of something bigger and more intangible. While I was listening to the haunting sound of the bogle I imagined that the boy standing in the school yard holding the flag was my son standing to attention on the parade ground. So close yet so far away.
I am proud of him, I fear for him.
I want him to be brave but I want him to come back whole.
I want him to be adventurous but I want him home.
But most of all I want him never to be alone.