One of our quilters completed and sent off an Australian flag quilt this week. Not this one as I told her that I would share her message anonymously.
She found making a quilt with an Australian flag in it quite emotional and a big responsibility. She said she felt very proud to be making this for her recipient and prouder still that she is an Australian. She wonder if other people get a bit overwhelmed.
And then she went on to write the following which I thought was really special and which I am sharing with her permission….
“I went to the Middle East last year – end of November, beginning of December for almost 3 weeks. I was in Jordan and Israel. The land is so desolate and bare and the conditions must be so extreme, not only for those that live there but for our men and women out there, hoping to make a difference.
The sadness in Jordan with the refugees from Syria is unbearable, they have lost so much due to war and they still need to find the strength to rebuild another life after using up so much to flee.
In Israel the divide between rich and poor, a wall that is divisive – just due to race is very confronting. I sobbed to think that we are in the 21st century and people still cannot find a compromise after centuries of conflict – you would think they had worked out after looking back in the history of Jerusalem that she can never ‘belong’ to anyone. That she is there for all of us, people from all faiths that stem from Abraham: Judaism, Islam and Christianity, and all the other faiths of the world – that we have to share her and maintain peace for her.
A Jewish lady standing at the entrance to the Tomb of King David told us that it was a privilege for us to be there and that she was one of the chosen people and we were Not. I was gobsmacked to experience someone who thinks that she is better than me based on her faith/race. Don’t get me wrong, being Chinese and growing up in Australia in the 70’s there was a lot of racism but no one ever told me they thought they were better than me because I wasn’t the same as them.
I think the world has forgotten that we are all the same – first and foremost we worry about whether there is food on the table, then we worry about shelter and then we worry about our children and what the future holds for them. No matter who we are and where we are those are our basic worries and wants.
We are very lucky living here in Australia and it is thanks to our men and women fighting or peace keeping to ensure that is how it is for us.”
We are indeed lucky to be living in Australia and the fact that we owe a debt of thanks to those who keep it safe, and who strive to make the world a safee place, is the foundation of why Aussie Heroes exists.
To all those of you who have served and those who serve today under our beautiful flag, Thank you for your service, and for the sacrifice that service asks of you.
Till next time…. let none of us ever forget that Freedom does not come without a cost and saying thank you is the very least we should do.
So very true. Why can't we just accept everyone for who they are. We all are here and make this world together…l have just finished sewing my house blocks. In the mail on Monday
What a beautiful heartfelt letter. I too wonder at the time it's taking for us all to realise we are all the same. I don't care about anyone's faith or gender. We all need to find the love in our hearts and have gratitude to all of those men and women who have made it possible for us to live in peace in this wonderful country of ours……. This is why I quilt for AHQ. Thankyou to all of you who serve….
I totally agree that making something so special, sacred if you will, is very humbling and does bring emotions up to the surface. I feel it is a privilege for me to be involved with AHQ and to be able to give back just a fraction to those who walk the walk.
Im sewing my first Laundry Bag and found thinking about what I was doing, whilst searching for, purchasing and then sewing in Australian flag fabric was really moving. Glad to hear in this reaction I'm not alone. Feel its a privilege to be given the opportunity to create something so valued.
Beautiful indeed.
It may sound rediculous, though sewing my first Australian flag quilt, I was hesitant to sew through it. It felt as if I was defacing it, though the end result and the appreciation on receiving the quilt made it worthwhile. Probably my military service, though Im extremely proud of our country and our flag.