The 10000th Quilt…

Written by AHQ

22 November 2018

Every now and then we achieve a milestone worth celebrating!   As of this week we have now given over 10000 quilts to serving men and women in our Australian Defence Force.

Let me say that again….

10000 Quilts!!!

 What a massive contribution to make.  I didn’t really think about milestones like this when I started Aussie Heroes but it goes to show… from little things, big things grow!!!

Recently I visited HMAS Collins whilst she was alongside at Fleet Base East.  I was met at the Gangway and then escorted on board with a boot load of quilts and laundry bags in my car.

Once on the wharf, the Executive Officer came to meet me and the ship’s company were mustered.  The XO explained what Aussie Hero Quilts (and Laundry Bags) does and then we made some presentations. 

I had brought with me ten quilts to be presented to crew members who had performed extremely well during the recent deployment and who had not yet been recognised in other ways. 

First the ten sailors nominated to receive a quilt were called out one by one to be presented with their quilt.   One of those was the lucky Able Seaman who received the 10000th Aussie Hero Quilt, shown here with the Executive Officer, myself, the Commanding Officer.
Note my awesome PINK HMAS Collins Cap! Very cool and coordinated nicely with my outfit.  
They must have known. 

Once the rest of the crew was stood down, everyone stepped forward to choose a laundry bag from the selection available.   They loved the assortment of designs, many including dolphins, submarines and other nautical symbols.  Many of the crew, after selecting the one they wanted, came over to shake my hand and to ask that I pass on my thanks to those who had made them.  

A few crew members had already received laundry bags from previous postings and deployments and apparently they had been jealously commented on by those without.  Now everyone was happy as all have their own Aussie Hero Laundry Bag now. 

Huge thanks to Leo, the Navy Photographer for the fabulous photos!

10000 Quilts in 7 years!

I must say that I find those numbers overwhelming and at the same time, heartwarming!   Thank you to all of you who have contributed to Aussie Hero Quilts in one way or another over the years. We could not have done this without you!

Till next time… keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree  xx

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