Thanks on Thursdays

Written by AHQ

26 September 2013

G’day on a lovely sunny Sydney day.

Just a quick reminder for the next few sewing days.

At my home – Tues 1st October  10am to 3pm-ish
At Penrith Patchwork – Sun 13th October – 10am to 2 or 3pm
At my home – Fri 18th of October 10 am to 3pm-ish

For all the sewing days all you need to bring is your sewing machine and lunch and I will provide the materials and projects.   We don’t do anything fancy so if you can sew a straight line you can join in.  It is really helpful for planning if I know how many are coming to each day so if you can please let me know which, if any, days you can make that would be great.

Lots of lovely thank you messages and a few great pictures tonight so sit back and enjoy.

I’m writing to say a very heartfelt thank you for the fantastic quilt and laundry bag, supplied by Maddy from Perth.  I was so thrilled to receive the package, and it means a lot to me and my family that there are people back home who appreciate what we’re doing over here.
Thanks again 

(there was a photo with this one but I am waiting on permission to publish it)

Hi Sue,

Thanks so much for the Laundry Bag, I chose the white,blue and green design as it seemed the better choice for a younger guy. I really do appreciate the effort that you have made as not only is it a laundry bag but its also really nice to get surprise packages or gifts when you are over here, as there really isn’t that much to look forward to daily as whatever job role we have it becomes a routine. Small gifts like this go so much further than you probably realise…So thankyou again Sue

Hi Pam,

I am writing to let you know that I received the laundry bag yesterday that XXXXX asked for on my behalf.

I love it and am extremely grateful for your kind wishes and the work that has gone into the bag with my name on it. We really do appreciate that people think of us and send us gifts and it certainly does make a difference. I share a room with two other ladies and we all have received some lovely items.Thank you again for your kind thoughts and know that there are lots of people out there who receive laundry bags and quilts who feel the same.



Dear Sue F,

I would to like thank you for the Batman quilt you made. I received it today and your craftsmanship has blown me away and has made my fellow soldiers jealous. A few people love the design. The quilt and your hardwork is greatly appreciated. 

The time and effort means a lot to myself and gifts such as quilts make a huge difference for deployed soldiers especially when soldiers like myself are away from wives and kids.

I will proudly have the quilt on my bed. When I return to my wife and 1yr old son I will pass it on to my son knowing that the quilt has a special meaning.

Many thanks

Hello Madeleine,

I just wanted to say a very big thank you for the lovely quilt you made for me. I received it several weeks ago and have put it to good use already as the weather in Afghanistan is becoming colder by the day.

I have attached a photo of me and my new quilt. The design is perfect.

Thank you for your time, effort and support.

Greetings and kind wishes from Afghanistan,

(waiting on permission to publish this photo)

Gale and Jenny,

I have just received the quilt you so generously made and sent to me.

I would like to say thank you very much. The thoughtful and selfless act of producing and sending the quilts and washing bags bring so much moral to each and every service member you touch, and those around them.

I don’t think I can thank you enough for what you ladies do.

Thank you. 

This quilt was made by Judith and we were sent a photo to share and enjoy from HMAS Newcastle.

This next one is a little bit special.  This lovely fellow asked for a quilt to be sent to his wife to let her know how much he was thinking of her.  He covered the cost of postage so that was fine.  I wanted to send him a laundry bag though and asked him wife if he had any favourite colours or hobbies.  Turns out he has a small share in a race horse called “Rightoncue”.  That gave me the idea to ask if the horse raced under any particular colours and so his wife sent me this picture.

That made it really easy to create his laundry bag!  🙂

Hi Jan-Maree,

I finished my last shift for the round yesterday prior to a day off today, we have been really busy the past few days and doing some big hours with lots of pressure. I walked into our block after a huge day, my eyes popping out with tiredness, we are the first room on the left as you enter the block. All the mail is delivered to a table outside my door, there was a parcel for me which was unexpected. I did notice the Aussie Hero Quilts sticker and thought Bec might have sent me something, must of been the fatigue lol. I opened it up and it seriously surprised me. I instantly showed it off to everyone and explained the story behind the colours ect.

Thank you so much Jan-Maree, not sure I want to put my dirty laundry in it but.   

(The laundry bag is now hanging on display in his room to brighten it up)


Dear Janine,
THANK-YOU so very much for the laundry bag you made for me. It was perfect and fun in every way – I love it!
I am glad it is unique and specifically designed for me!
I have been ‘in country’ for 3 weeks and have travelled the whole AO (Area of Operation) in that time. Each location I have visited, I have heard many positive comments about AHQ and have seen evidence your good will (and crafty skills). It is a definite morale booster and brings joy and happiness to those who receive your very generous gifts.
All the best, 

Dear Jan-Maree,

I can report that I am the proud owner of a fabulous quilt that arrived in the mail yesterday. The cricket themed quilt is amazing and brightens up my room significantly. I have sent photos to my family and they are very impressed. Please pass on my gratitude to Jill & Debbie for their work also! Many thanks for your contribution to serving ADF members. Your Sincerely 

Dear Joan & Robin,
What a great joy it was to receive the wonderful laundry bag you made. I felt like a kid on Christmas day.  I have already put it to good use and it has definitely brightened up my room.  Being in the Air Force made this design the perfect choice for me.
Thank-you once again.
Your efforts are definitely appreciated.
Kind regards


Hello Margaret

Your gorgeous Hero Quilt arrived a couple of days ago and it is everything that I could of hoped for. The colours are so vibrant and it is exactly what I wanted. You have done a terrific job and it is much appreciated.

I have enclosed a photo of me and the caption I was going for is “Flying the flag for Aussie Hero Quilts in Afghanistan”.  I racked my brain to come up with something different to display my quilt and hope I have done you proud. I have also printed a copy of the photo just in case you do not have a printer and posted it to you. 

OMG 17 quilts done and only since March this year…you have been very busy. I have to try and let you know how much these types of gestures and gifts affect us over here. It makes us extremely proud to be Aussies!!!!! and to have the support of the people back home. 

I must say that I am feeling very loved over here as I have received so many lovely things from laundry bags and care packages to this wonderful quilt. I can readily see all the painstaking effort that has gone into it and it is by no means humble to me. I will treasure it for many, many years to come and it is pride of place on my bed here in Afghanistan.
Unfortunately, time for me to get back to work but once again thank you very much for your lovely quilt which I have accepted with much joy and gratitude.

Your sincerely

(Just a note, when I asked for permission to publish this photo this is the response I received “Absolutely, I put my friend through soooo much stress trying to get that photo. just perfect…lol.”
Love it!)

The following people have sent off quilts or laundry bags this week.  If you are not on the list and think you should be please let me know.

Anne M
Di P
Jenni M
Julie Ann
Karen B
Pam Y
Sandra Mc

Till next time…………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  JMxx

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1 Comment

  1. barbara woods

    wish i could jump right over there and help you!


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