805 quilts and 1044 laundry bags to date!
WOW! We are on a roll.
Another Awesome week.
Not much commentary from me tonight – just sit back and enjoy the show!
Well done everyone!
Aileen – this went to a fellow with two little dogs at home.
Anne D – this quilt turned up in the PO Box unannounced – what a lovely surprise
Cheryl – Waltzing Matilda! Love it!
Made by Rae and Chris
Made by Diane and Chris
Deborah C
I just have to point the special panels at the top covering the history of the Rising Sun! Great idea Donna.
Julie Ann’s five laundry bags
Karen B
Lynn F
(note I wrote a pattern for this one – if you are interested I could do a tutorial sometime.)
If the get bored they can always play bingo!
Thank you messages – our very favourite things!
Hi Pauline,
Wow! I got my new prized possession last night, it’s great and now has pride of place on my bed and my ‘Six White Boomers’ has brightened up my 8′ x 7′
living space. The Tim Tams were lovely too! Thank you so much, it really is appreciated.
The skill and patience required to create such a quilt is fantastic, I’ve been showing it off to all my mates and I will send a picture to my missus and 17 year old daughter back home very soon. I will of course also send a picture to you and your quilting gang.
Hi Linda,
I just wanted to thank you for the lovely quilt & laundry bag you so kindly made
for me, you’re a very talented lady. It is a gift I will treasure for a lifetime.
Knowing the time spent away from home & my family is acknowledged & appreciated
means a lot & fills me with a sense of pride.
The Tim Tams were also a welcome taste of home & went down well 🙂
Thank you once again for your kindness.
Wishing you & your family a wonderful Christmas!!
Kind regards
Hi Jan-Maree,
Firstly my apologies for the delay in replying. Been busy with the RTA(return to Australia) from here. I can confirm that all packages arrived and divvied out to the handlers. Laundry bags have been getting good use as the net ones don’t last long here. I have email addresses for most of the quilters and will reply to those as I now have some down time prior to returning home. On behalf of my team, I would like to express my thanks and appreciation of this gesture. They were greatly received by my guys and its wonderful that you do these things for the people overseas serving the great country of Australia.
Thankyou very much
and for Liz B
Good Afternoon Liz,
My name is XXXX and XXXX and I received your beautiful Quilts and laundry bags yesterday.
All I can say is that we are very touched and so grateful for your thoughts.
And all the goodie’s that we received as well. We feel very special.
Thankyou so much once again. XXXX and I will send you a few photo’s with our quilts.
You are amazing thanks again so much!
Warm Regards,
Now I am being very good here. This is just for those of you who do not do Facebook!
Our lovely post mistress from Egypt has been in Sydney for a few days and on Tuesday night Caroline and I headed in to Darling Harbour to meet her for dinner. Even more special is that fact that Caroline just happens to be the one who made Chelle’s quilt.
We had a great time! It is always such a treat to meet any of our recipients but Chelle is a little bit special as she has come home and joined the ranks of Aussie Hero Friends. Like it or not we now have her hooked on Quilting!
If you are new to the blog you have to check out Chelle in her staring role –
Now, this coming Sunday – do not panic if there is no post. I am hoping to get one written but I am going to north tomorrow lunch time and won’t be home til early arvo on Sunday. One of my husband’s course mates from his engineering course is turning 50. They were all little baby RAAF cadets together – AWW how cute! And now they are all turning 50 – but I digress.
I know there are some of you who even look for a post on Saturday nights (and I have even received the odd text or two to see where the post is ………Jill….) so when Sunday night comes around this weekend if there is no post by 7pm- DO NOT PANIC. I just won’t have had time to write it and I will be back right as rain on Monday. I have a good story to tell you this week – just need the time to write it up.
Till next time……….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Gee, with all the excuses about the posts' possible delay for Sunday night, anyone would think it's your birthday this weekend or something lol
Not sure if you've already said yes or not, but I think the tutorial from Pauline for her great Patriotic red and blue and Aussie Flag quilt. How cool is that…and would be a great pattern/tutorial for us to share on the blog.
Great quilts, and I'm still doing the happy dance here over the figures….wowwee have we got some speedy stitchers or what?
Hugs and keep up the great work everyone
Naomi aka Tech Guru
A most wonderful eye fest, Brilliant stuff!