Post Aussie Hero Quilts Thank You Weekend Fun and Games.

Written by AHQ

26 October 2023

Hi Team

I know you are all really keen to hear about the weekend and to see the photos that were taken but I am afraid that is going to take a little time. Here is what I have been doing since the weekend. 

On Monday I did the request list, answering many emails before I hopped in the car and drove three hours back to Sydney. I got home around 4pm and was so exhausted I had a quick nap before starting to unload the car. I got my suitcases out of the car and unpacked them into my bedroom but the clothes are where I left them on Monday and they still have not made it into my wardrobe or the washing basket. No time. 

Cath Hpr arrived that night and we had a quick takeaway dinner before turning in for an early night as we had to be up early on Tuesday morning so that I could drop her into Garden Island by 7am.  Before we left we had to take bags of quilts and crates of misc stuff out of my car so that Cath could put her luggage in.  All the poles from the quilt frames are still in my car as they are too heavy for me to lift. David will unload them on the weekend. Cath was invited by one of her recipients to join HMAS Adelaide for a two day family cruise. You will read all about that when she gets home. 

Once home again I spent the day answering as many emails as I could.  On Wednesday I was up early again, managed a few emails before I had to leave for my three monthly appointment with my oncologist, all clear – YAY but then I had to go and have my three monthly infusion. The infusion only takes 15 minutes but finding someone who can find one of my fickle veins takes a good while so I was not home til 1pm.  At 2pm my cleaners turned up so that is an hour sitting outside with my dogs so they can clean in peace. Of course I could stay inside but I would really be in their way as they try to clean and it is the one hour a week the dogs can count on chasing balls til they can’t fun any more. 

Today, Thursday, I am up early to work until I leave to collect Cath around 1045. I need to be at Garden Island by midday but traffic and parking is unpredictable so I need to factor in extra time. 

Hopefully I will be home by 1pm as I have to head out to RAAF Richmond (about 40 mins drive if traffic is good) for a meeting at 3pm.  

Tomorrow the Garage Girls are coming for a normal sewing day and whilst I can get some work done tomorrow I am sure you can guess that some of my time will be spent supervising etc.  

Looks like I will spend Saturday putting my clothes away and unpacking the Ikea bags and tubs brought home from Canberra, plus by then David will have arrived and his car is loaded up too. I also hope to spend some time in my office answering more emails, as well as creating next week’s request list and mopping up from the weekend in Canberra.

Sunday will be spent packing again catching up on anything else that is still wating to be done. 

These 11 quilts are sitting waiting to have covering letters written so that they can be sent off and there will be more added to the pile after Friday as I received a big bunch of crests and patches to be added to waiting quilts from Joan (thanks Joan) and they will probably be sewn on tomorrow. 



So now to next week. I will be home to do the request list on Monday and then David and I are heading off for a few days away. He’s been told to take leave so we are combining our trip with a guest speaking gig I have on the 4th of November in regional NSW. The laptop always comes with me but I try to answer emails in the morning and get out and do stuff in the afternoon and evening. 

I get back from our travels on Monday the 6th of November. On Tuesday the 7th quilts and quilt frame are being collected by Navy to be set up in advance of a presentation I am giving on Wednesday the 8th in the city. 

So, as you can see, there is lots on and not much time to simply sit at the laptop and answer emails or send emails. It usually takes me about two weeks to write blog posts, publish photos, send thank you emails and respond to issues that come from the Thank You Weekend. 

I am not sure when I will get to write posts so I would love some help. If you were able to attend any of our functions over the weekend can you please help me out by writing a few paragraphs about it that can be shared on the blog so that those who could not make it can also enjoy them.  

I have checked the photos from Government House and they will be on the website to view in the next day or so. Next job is to check the ones from the Friday night. Please bear with me. 

Till next time… keep spreading the word and happy stitching (if you are lucky enough to have time! LOL)

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