
Written by AHQ

29 October 2015

LOL well confession time..  It should be blog post time but I have just realised that today is Thursday and I have not written it yet. I have had a lovely day, working on getting quilts and laundry bags packed to go here there and everywhere…. writing their covering letters and address sheets and stacking up the boxes……

And then this afternoon I ran some errands, including visiting a friend who had surgery recently (major surgery that requires her to take more time off work than she thinks she needs….. just in case she or her husband read this……  :-D) 

And now I have just collected one son from the bus and am about to prep vegies to go with the dinner… and Oops…. realised….

I have not written the blog post…….

Ahh well… it was such a lovely busy but somehow relaxing day and now I know why. The first time in just over four years and I have forgotten to write the post. LOL

I guess you will just have to cope – I will save it up for next week now.

New block of the months coming up next week – hope you are saving your green and gold fabrics.

Till tomorrow night…… which I absolutely promise I will not forget to write….

Keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

PS.   just because I hate it when the posts come up on Facebook with no pic selected here is one of my favourite group shots from LAST year……

A reminder that Christmas is coming up– throw a bit of tinsel in your boxes and spread some early Christmas cheer – dont forget it takes a while for some of our boxes to arrive so it won’t be quite so early when it gets to where it is going……

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1 Comment

  1. Sue Niven

    Lovely! Thanks for the Christmas reminder too.


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