More thank yous

Written by AHQ

5 February 2014

Well the happy mail came in a little late this week and Caroline did not have time to take the pics and get them up in time for tonight’s post so instead you get to read some more thank you messages.  Again, there are lots addressed to me because I have been sending off emails to chase up quilts but where possible those thank you messages have been forwarded to the quilters concerned.  

Dear Jan-Maree, Amy (and Michelle),

This is to acknowledge that today I have received the quilted laundry bag that you have made for me, Amy. 

Thank you very much – it is far better than I could have imagined. The embroidery of my cattle dog Tango looks terrific – please pass on my thanks to Michelle for this.

I will get a photo of myself with the bag and send it to you, but I also plan to send the bag home so that my wife can get a photo with Tango – I’m sure Tango will wonder what the fuss is all about, but not doubt she will be quietly impressed.

Once again, thanks for a lovely laundry bag. Tango also sends a ‘bark, bark’.


Hey Jan-Maree and helpers

I would love to thanks you lovely ladies for my laundry bag – its pretty sweet and a lot better then my old one . 

thanks and all the best


 Hi Jan-Maree,

I write to you to let you know that I did, in fact, receive a lovely red and white quilt which has ST George/Dragons inscribed down the side (My NRL team)
Please pass on my thanks and regards to all those involved, I am very appreciative of their and your generosity and very impressed by the skills involved to make these quilts.
It is a wonderful service you and the other ladies provide.

The extra quilt is great especially cause it can get cold on the ship at night!

Thanks and Kind regards 
Hi Jan-Maree,

Thank you ever so much for my quilt. It is absolutely sensational. You all do a wonderful job, it is much appreciated. 

I have received my quilt and it is amazing I truly am so grateful thank you and you volunteers for the time and effort that was sewn into my quilt 


Good Evening Jan-Maree!

I would just like to say a big THANKYOU so much for everything you and your organisation do. I am so, so happy with my quilt, I have never seen anything like it and it absolutely made my day.
I also received a laundry bag which helps me out so much on washing day as it stands out with the bright colours. It saves me from digging through other sailors’ laundry to find mine 🙂

You all do such an amazing job and the impact you have from the sailors’ smiles and excitement is well worth it.

Thank you so much.

G’day Jan-Maree,

I received my beautiful quilt a few days ago in our last port (this is the first I’ve been able to get onto emails since.)
Thank you ever so much 🙂 I’ll be sure to write as well.

Kind regards,

Hi Jan!!
Just letting you know I have received my quilt and am very grateful!  I love it!
I cannot thank you enough!!

Thankyou Jan-Maree,
I have received my laundry bag and Aussie Hero Quilt and absolutely love them.  Was more than what I expected and I’m sure it will come to good use whilst at sea especially when it gets colder.
Very much appreciated for the work you and your co workers put in to make these fabulous quilts.
Keep up the good work.

Hello Jan-Maree,

Firstly I’d like to apologise as I thought I had replied to you to confirm receipt of my quilt, looks like it may not have reached you! 

My quilt is spectacular and  I’d like to thank you for coordinating such a wonderful initiative to bring some joy to those of us deployed.

I shall ensure another email is sent to Joanne P to thank her for her wonderful craftsmanship! I love my quilt…it shall stay within my family forever!

Once again thankyou.

and from the same fellow to Joanne P

Good morning Joanne,

I’d like to thank you for your wonderful generosity in making me an Aussie Hero quilt. I must say that your craftsmanship is spectacular and your thoughtful Collingwood theme ensures that I sleep with a smile on my face every night. When I received your quilt I was very excited, as I knew I was to become a proud owner of a unique and special gift. The quilt is excellent, I absolutely love it!

I’m due to marry later this year and my fiance and I will be looking to start a family shortly after. I now have something that I can give to my future little ones, and it being a Collingwood quilt makes it even better!

I wish you all the best and hope that you continue making quilts for those that are deployed as it truly makes a difference.

Yours sincerely,


I did receive a quilt in our last port.  The quilt is amazing, and I couldn’t be more appreciative of all the time and effort put into not only the quilt, but the attached card too!
Thank you again for your time and commitment to help us get through these long deployments.

Hi Jan-Maree,

I’m so sorry its taken until now for me to email you, I’ve received both my quilt and laundry bag. They’re fantastic thank you so much! I use my ‘Nautical 90’s’ themed laundry bag as I call it to carry my gym gear to and from the mess every day. So at least you know its being put to good and appreciated use.

Thanks again and I wish you all the best!

Dear Chelly

Firstly Thank you so much for the quilt and laundry bag.  For your first one, you have done an outstanding job.  The colours are absolutely fantastic with the pictures of the knights and the two dragons that really set it off.  My children will absolutely adore it.
I am totally taken back by the professional finish and quality.  So for your first one it was exceptional.  I hope you and your family had a lovely Christmas and New Year.  I wish you all the best for the future.  Again thank you for taking the time to produce such a beautiful piece of artwork.  I really appreciate it.
Take care 

Quilt top pieced by Louise and quilted by Debbie

Hey Jan-Maree, 

I have received my quilt and I Love it. I want to say thank you so much for the effort that everyone had put into making the quilt for me. I apologise for not replying earlier its just hard to find spare time to send an email and anyone even my family. I have shown my mess mates the quilt and they said it “looks sick”. Please pass my gratitude onto the women who had made this for me I really appreciate the time and effort they put in for Aussie Hero Quilts. 

Kind Regards 

Hi Andrea,

I received my quilt and a laundry bag separately packaged, but on the same day!  Thank you so much for the time and effort you have placed making them.  I love them both.  The laundry bag sums up my personality perfectly!! 

Everyone on board think it is amazing what you ladies do and we definitely love M&M’s and snakes, so that is the perfect choice to accompany your quilts.

We do not have long until we return home now.  I am going on the advanced/early leavers party, which means I fly home prior to the ship sailing into Sydney.  It allows us to take some leave and keep watch onboard the ship once everyone else returns. 
Thank you again for your kind gifts

Take care.

Dear Julie

Thank you so very much for the laundry bag! I absolutely love it, it looks so much better than the standard navy issue bags. Plus, with the bags and duna covers that we have all been receiving, the mess looks so much more homely! its great! it does not have that dreary navy look any more.

I hope you had beautiful Christmas and new year….  Although don’t feel to bad for us out here. I thoroughly enjoyed my self. It was the first time since I have been in the navy that I have spent Christmas and New Year’s out at sea, and you know what?  I am so glad I did it, it was an experience and one that I will never forget.

Once again, Thank you for your kindness 


Dear Liz,

thank you thank you thank you for my most wonderful laundry bag. You have brightened up my day immeasurably. I love it – I also love my pot holder. Funnily enough the base that I am stationed at is called Camp Cupcake as our conditions are a bit easier than other places so the bag and pot holder fit right in.
again thank you so much – your efforts are so greatly appreciated and it is anything that is not green or camouflage that brightens a day.

very best regards 

G’day Ross,

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the quilt you took the time to put together for me. I think it’s great! It’s an excellent thing that you do for our soldiers, airmen and sailors deployed on Operations in the Middle East. We’re experiencing some long days during the ‘draw down’ phase and receiving your package certainly brightened it up!
Again, thank you very much for taking the time to write a letter and make the quilt. It’s a very selfless act that certainly hasn’t been lost on me.  

Kind Regards,

For Jenny and Gale

Hi Jan,
Just writing to let you know that my quilt did arrive safe and sound. I would just like to say that it is an honour and a privilege to receive such a gift and that I will be sure to thank the ladies that made such an effort for what appears to be such a small gift but is really quite touching.

Thanking you so much

For a quilt top made by Lynn and quilted and sent off by Belinda.

Dear Jan-Maree,

Firstly, I apologise that I have not sent you an email yet, I have actually written you a letter snail mail, but appreciate that your probably worried they have not made it here.

Please accept my heart felt appreciation and happiness after receiving the beautiful quilt made for me… I love it! It certainly brightened my day the day I received it! We didn’t get external mail over Christmas due to operational priorities (right place right time), but we did pull into Dubai shortly after Christmas. This is when I got my quilt and quite a few of my peers got their quilts also. It has created a really nice atmosphere when we get mail and we all gain a great deal of happiness watching our mates open their quilts and seeing the designs made specifically for individuals.

I have written you a bigger letter in response to the lovely letter I got with my quilt, also covering off a little about me. But in the meantime please accept my gratitude! 

Thank you and kind Regards,
Good afternoon Keryn,

I love the laundry bag you have created and certainly am looking forward to the quality of the quilt.
Thank you so much for your support and well wishes.
The goodies in the parcel are going to good use here.

Kind Regards,

Hello Chelly,
First off thank you very much for my quilt, it’s things like the effort from someone you don’t even know that can make the world of difference. I’m glad you enjoyed making my quilt as it has come quite handy.
Once again many thanks for the quilt and laundry bag and I glad you made the effort to get my request. I love the design and its quite a piece of art. One of my mates is jealous of it to as he’s in the middle of transferring (to the Army)  too haha. I hope you have a wonderful new year if it’s not to late to say that. …..

Well, now of that does not fill you with the knowledge that we are definitely making a difference then I don’t know what will! 

Till next time………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

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  1. Sue Niven

    Love reading all the thank yous, Thank you!

  2. Sam

    I am crying as I read these messages, you know, those good type of tears! I am so impressed with your selfless giving to such a group of brave and courageous men and women. Inspiring.

    (I do get emotional over this sort of thing! Knowing that there are good people out there is a real lift)


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