Letters for Egypt and more

Written by AHQ

21 May 2012

First up – exciting news!  Last night a website called Your Defence found us and “liked” us on Facebook – and then new followers for Aussie Heroes started rolling in.  We went from 102 followers to 150 as I write this.  Excellent!  Hopefully some of them can sew but if not they are mostly wives of serving men and it is great for them to know that we support them.
Second on the list – a correction!  I left out an S in the label I posted last night!  Gasp!  I have gone back and corrected the text now but here is the correct version again as well!
This is an

made for an

Aussie Hero
Serving  Overseas
with gratitude for your service.
Now, letter for Egypt
In previous posts I told you that there are a few people in Egypt who have received NO MAIL in the three months since the my contact has been there.  I want to do something about that and from many of the emails and comments I have received so do many of you.  Here is what we are going to do.
We can’t just send extra care parcels over marked “give to those who don’t get mail” etc so my plan is that we send some letters.  Once the letters are received they can be distributed as the Post Mistress (for wont of a better term) sees fit.  If the recipient write or emails back, then you can go ahead and send them a package.

You just need to write a simple letter.  Tell them a bit about yourself – my name is, I am married with 17 kids, I live in  Whoopty Whoop etc etc.  Just tell them the ordinary every day stuff.  You can let them know that you are happy to write back again if they like.  Supply your email address and/postal address – whatever you are comfortable with.  Send the letters to me – we now have a brand new shiny PO Box.
Aussie Hero Quilts,
PO Box 248
Cherrybrook,  NSW, 2126
I will wait till I get a few and will send a bundle of letters off all together.  You may use the PO Box as your return address if you like and I will forward any incoming mail to you unopened if you tell them to address it to your name, C/- Aussie Hero Quilts and then the rest of the address.
I hope that is clear as mud!  Not sure how successful we will be – some of these guys just won’t ask for anything but this is he best I can come up with at this stage.
If you are interested in writing a letter, please leave a comment or send me an email so that I can judge how many letters to expect.
On a different subject…..
I received a couple of donations today.   Firstly, as a result of a mega emailing campaign by Sue I received 9m of this great striped fabric from Jane at www.bebebold.com.  Thanks so much Jane!  We will put it to good use!

I also received a parcel of orphan blocks today too – including some really great stars.
These came from Karen B 
 Also included in her bundle of blocks were these four BOM blocks!  
 Thanks so much Karen.
Till next time………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

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  1. Larissa

    Let me know how you are going with numbers for the letters next week … I'll have finished this unit by then, lol! I am happy to write if it looks like the numbers are low. … Those blocks from Karen B look great!! I'm sure they'll become some fantastic quilts! … Also, great to hear about the new post box – probably a good idea to separate it from your own personal box, lol! I'll file that away now! … Have a great week Jan!! Hugs!

  2. young by design

    Love the blocks and striped fabric! I'd be happy to write letters; it's one of my favorite things to do. Do you want letters from the US?

  3. Felsty

    Hi Jan-Maree, I've just sent you an email. Regards Kirsten.


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