Hi all
I promised you there was another special quilt coming up and at last we have it.
This will be our special effort for ANZAC Day this year.
We won’t be able to get the quilt finished in time for ANZAC Day but maybe we will be able to show you the quilt top..let’s see how we go.
It will be called the
HQJTF633 ANZAC Tribute Quilt 2017
Recently I designed an ANZAC themed quilt for the Chief of Staff of Headquarters Joint Task Force 633, based at Al Minhad Air Base. When he received his quilt he wrote back saying that he was trying to decide if he should take it back to his room, or hang it in the foyer of the Headquarters building. It would hang in an area where there is a permanent tribute to those that have given their lives in the line of duty whilst deployed as part of the Joint Task Force.
That email came just as I was trying to decide what we would do for ANZAC Day this year so I wrote back and offered to arrange for a special quilt which be hung there.
The quilt will feature the silhouette of a soldier, based on a photograph taken on operation in Task Group Taji. The quilt will also feature the words “Lest We Forget” and around the silhouette will be forty poppy blocks.
The number of blocks is simply the most I could fit into the quilt to enable as many people as possible to take part.
Lynn will put the quilt top together and it will be quilted on our Simply 16 machine.
You are invited to make and send in one poppy block. You need to register as we only need 40 blocks. It will be strictly first in, first dressed. However, as this is a special quilt you must have sewn for us in the last six months or so and that includes making BOMs, laundry bags, or quilts or any regular sewing contribution for us. If you are not sure if you qualify please just email me.
If you would like to make a block please register with Lynn on
Lynn will let you know if you have been successful but as she will have to answer at least 40 emails please be patient with her.
Once completed your blocks need to be in the mail to Lynn no later than
Monday 10 April.
Please post to
Aussie Heroes Poppies
PO Box 133
Engadine NSW 2233
Please email Lynn a photo of your completed block and let her know it is in the mail.
I know that is fairly quick but as there is a limit of one block per person, and the time frame includes two weekends, I think you should be able to manage it. Also if we are to have any hope of getting the quilt top together we need to get a move on.
Your blocks need to be made using the following tutorial for a 6 1/2 inch poppy block, not the normal size that we use for Fallen Warrior Quilts. These ones are smaller. If you use the wrong tutorial your blocks will not be able to be included.
4 X 3 3/4” RED squares (can be plain or patterned but must be MOSTLY red) for the flower
8 X 1 1/2” GREEN squares (can be plain or patterned, no lime greens please) for the background
1 X 1” BLACK circle (must be plain) for the centre.
(Idea – I ironed some Visoflex/fusiweb onto the back of a scrap of BLACK fabric and then traced around a $1 coin).
After you have cut your fabric mark a diagonal line on the back of the green squares.
Once you have sewn all eight lines, you can then trim off excess fabric leaving a ¼” seam. After trimming you can then press the green back over so that you once again have
3 ¾” X 3 ¾” square.
Lay out as shown in the following picture. I have to make a point here. Please ensure that your block orientation is as it appears in the following pictures. Any that are received that run the opposite direction cannot be included.
Arrange the blocks in the order they will be sewn and then sew the top two together (row 1), then the bottom two together (row 2). Once sewn press the seam on the top row (1) to the right, and the bottom row (2) to the left. Nest the two seams together in the centre and sew the two rows together to complete the block.
All done – just repeating, . I have to make a point. Please ensure that your block orientation is as it appears in the pictures. That means please make sure that the green squares are in the same positions on your block as in this photo. Lynn can’t use them if they are in the other direction.
Finished block size will be just more than 6 1/2″ DO NOT TRIM!
I am really looking forward to seeing what this quilt looks like once it is finished.
Till next time….. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Jan-Maree xx
Lynn has received the six poppies I sent.. enjoyed making them…
Mine is in the mail…