Happy Valentine’s Day

Written by AHQ

14 February 2013

I would like to wish a very 
Happy 16th Birthday to Amy.  
I hope you have had a lovely day and I also hope you have been spoilt rotten!
At that age you don’t mind people knowing how old you are!

  Last year I wracked my brains to think of something I could do on the blog to recognise Valentine’s Day and I just couldn’t think of anything suitable and again this year the same problem.  Some people say it is just a Hallmark Holiday but I don’t see anything wrong with a special day every year to tell your special person  that you love them.  I know lots of you will be apart from your special ones, probably your Heroes, but I hope it helps to know that we are thinking of you also.   I hope that whoever you are and wherever you are something has happened to you today to put a smile on your face and to warm your heart.

There have been a few newbies join us lately and a few questions that have reminded me that is it probably time to run a bit of a refresher course so I am planning to squeeze that in next week.  In the mean time are there any questions that you would like answered?  Is there anything you want to know about Aussie Heroes that you have wondered about – if so, now is the time to let me know.  Either leave a comment at the end of the blog or email me  –


   And as the teachers in primary school used to say – there is no such thing as a silly question.

I just have a couple of thank you messages to share with you today.

Dear Karen,

I have just received your parcel containing the beautiful laundry bag among other things.
Thankyou so much, it will certainly make it easier to identify my laundry now I have my own
personnel bag.  I also like to sew but unfortunately I am not very good, but when I do it is just
for maintenance, sewing by hand such as hemming trousers and replacing buttons etc.

The soldiers have been overwhelmed with the generosity Australians have shown towards us
over the past few months especially during the Christmas period, each member was fortunate
to receive at least two care packages full of goodies and as you can appreciate it is always
the highlight of the day when you receive a parcel.

Well Karen, thanks again for the generous gifts and the lovely laundry bag, it will most
definitely be put to good use.

Hi Rita C

I received the quilt you made for me yesterday and I was speechless, what a beautiful piece of workmanship. The colours are magnificent, thank you very much.   You have made a keepsake for life, that I will treasure. I don’t know why but yellow has always been my favourite colour and always cheers me up to have it around me.
It is cold here and will likely be that way for the rest of the month, but it is Definitely starting to warm up.  We celebrated Australia Day with a traditional BBQ, not the same as at home but a nice touch.  I will also treasure the cup, I am a tea drinker so this will be a
perfect way to enjoy A nice cup of tea instead of Styrofoam cups !
Again a very heartfelt thankyou for the beautiful quilt and pillowcase,
rest assured They will always have pride of place in my home !
I have placed a photo and message on my facebook account praising the
work done by “Quilts for Heroes” I hope you don’t mind, I have received
a lot of compliments on my quilt.

Sorry this is so brief.  I am still working on a quilt I have been hurrying to finish as quickly as possible – I am about to deliver it to the wonderful Carol who is going to quilt it for me.

Till next time……………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

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1 Comment

  1. Mary Marcotte

    Oh, that yellow top surely is pretty! Thanks for sharing notes from some of the people who receive Aussie Hero quilts. I always enjoy reading them.


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