Happy Mail 7 October

Written by AHQ

7 October 2015

So, have you been to see the Centenary Quilt??? If so please send your photos. It is only on display till the end of November apparently so don’t miss out.  

One of our quilters sent me this email recently and the accompanying photos.

Hi Jan-Maree
My parents have just been to Canberra and were able to visit the Centenary Quilt.
Mum said the couple they asked to take their photo have children who are serving.  The mother had not heard of AHQ and was going to ask her children if they had requested quilts.  Her son’s operation was one of the areas that had signed the quilt, so she was quite emotional.  Mum was very proud to share our story with this lady.
Mum & Dad said it looks good with other art in that corridor too.
I will just have to settle for seeing the photos.  It will be a long time before I get to Canberra.
All the best
Debra S
Denis & Jenny Blakey, parents of AHQ sewer, Debra Schefe.

Yesterday I received  disc of photos and most excitingly videos of the Centenary Quilt. I really want to be able to put the videos on the blog but the files are too big. If we have any clever people who think they can help please contact me.

Now for this week’s happy mail.
Dasha made these two great quilt tops (Love the Sydney pic in the middle) 

 and the three laundry bags.

and from Caroline’s mail box some great Blocks of the Month

Dorothy C

Helen A

June S

Kerry B 

Leonie B 

I really can’t wait to get my hands on these lovely red, white and blue blocks. They will make a great quilt!

Looking forward to seeing your maroon and gold blocks!

Till next time…………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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