H All,
Busy day today. I am bundling up quilt tops, quilts backs, bindings, battings, accompanying letters and so on to go to quilters so we can get more quilts in the mail. I am also sending some off for binding (thanks Jo P) and a few laundry bags and quilts need to go in boxes to post.
Busy Busy
Before I forget – Don’t leave it til the last minute to get your tickets in the raffle and especially for the dinner. I am looking forward to meeting you!
So here is the happy mail for today.
Check out these gorgeous quilt tops. These are BOM Blocks – (Block of the Month for the non-quilty). Don’t they look aweseome together!
This quilt top was pieced My Michele C at a sewing day in Penrith, then taken home to finish off and dropped in to me.
Thanks Michele
These laundry bags arrived out of the blue from Lin.
Thanks so much Lin.
These are more BOM blocks sent in by Liz J. Love these colours.
I also love the colours in this quilt top made by Margaret N and Pen K.
Thank ladies.
Millie sent in another great quilt.
and who says you need a big piece of fabric for the backing. Millie pieced a great strippy backing.
That is it from me for now. I have to go and cut, press, and pack.
Till next time……………keep spreading the word and happy stitching! JMxx