Happy Mail 25 September

Written by AHQ

25 September 2013

Hi all,
Before I show you the happy mail for this week I wanted to let you know that we have a winning bid for the Silent Auction but I am waiting for permission to announce the name of the winner and the amount of the winning bid.  It may be that they wish to remain anonymous so stay tuned.  If you are wondering if you had the lucky bid check your emails as Joan already emailed the successful bidder.

Only a little Happy Mail this week.  Firstly we have some BOM blocks from Dorothy.  There were more than this but I ran out of room on the design wall.

Sue F also sent me five great laundry bags for use with Wounded Warrior Quilts.

Each of these as a kangaroo applique on the back for good measure.

Just a quick reminder about the two little girl Mystery Quilts we are making.  I have received blocks from Lynne, Dorothy, Lyn W, and Sonya and are waiting for the postie to bring me the blocks from Liz, Dasha and Jo.  Is there anyone else I have forgotten?

Posts might be a little shorter over the next few weeks as I strive to survive the school holidays and the fast approaching HSC.  Don’t get me wrong.  There is surprisingly little stress connected to the HSC in our house but the change of routine does tend to through things out of kilter a little.
Hoe you will bear with me.

Till next time……………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!   JMxx

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1 Comment

  1. Sue Niven

    A great job as always Jan-Maree 🙂


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