Happy Mail 20th June 2018

Written by AHQ

20 June 2018

These Blocks of the Month have arrived in my mailbox over the last few days.
So much colour!  So beautiful!  They are going to make great quilts for our Aussie Heroes.
If you would like to make some of the June BOM – Red and White Split Square Blocks, 
please go here for the Tutorial.
If making a quilt for an Aussie Hero by yourself seems like too big a task, 
then sewing Blocks of the Month is a great way to 
participate in making quilts for them.  
The Coffs Harbour Team just love designing and creating quilts that meet 
their Requests, and the Blocks help us to make the quilts quickly.
A huge THANK YOU to those who regularly sew BOM and also make 
quilts…such generous people.
Enjoy these blocks.
Elaine H
Linda L #1
Linda L #2
Linda L #3

Milton Quilters #1

Milton Quilters #2

Bronwyn W

Cassandra P

Stay warm as the temperatures plummet in this Great South Land.

Until next time,


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