Grati-Tuesday …. on Wednesday…..

Written by AHQ

19 July 2017

Before our normal thank you messages… A few days ago I received this message from the wife of one of our veterans.  Her husband had to go into hospital for an op and they thought to send us a message. They shared some pics, pre-op and post op,  and wanted you to know that even a couple of years later the quilt is still much loved and is used regularly.  I am also lead to believe that our veteran had the nicest quilt in the hospital……. 

Thanks so much for sharing the photos and all the very best for your recovery. 


Hi Rosina, 

I’d like to start out by saying what a privilege it is to be the recipient of what will undoubtedly become a family heirloom. I have seen some pretty awesome quilts in the past, however, this is by far the best I have seen (in my humble opinion). For your information, I am currently on my third deployment in just over three years (my fourth in 26 years) and whilst I have taken advantage of one of the generic laundry bags in the past, I felt kind of guilty for requesting a personalised quilt as there are so many more deserving people than myself. It was actually my wife that convinced me to do it. However, I can honestly say I do not regret my decision in placing the request and receiving such an awesome quilt in return. 

The attention to detail within the quilt is phenomenal, particularly with the RAAF roundel, and to be honest, it is quite humbling that a complete stranger would go to such lengths to create this design based on some vague input from some guy overseas. The pride you have taken in making this quilt is quite easy to see! I think the highlight of the quilt was not that you fulfilled my request, rather, that you personalised it by embroidering my name and number on it, but more importantly, your name as well. This will allow me to remember the kind person, that went out her way, when she should be enjoying her retirement with her grandchildren, to make such a personal gift for a complete stranger serving in another country. 
I have also attached a photo of me with the quilt about 5 minutes after unwrapping it (with the Oreos, mentos and writing equipment – thanks for these gifts as well). I thought you should see how much this means to me. 

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!


Hey Di G,

Hope you and the family are doing okay! Hope the trees and cows are good as well. Thank you so much for the quilt, it looks amazing. Ill be sure to eat all the treats as well.

Thank you for what you do for the troops,


Hi Ruth,

You recently made a laundry bag for me. I would just like to thankyou for your time and effort in making this for me and for your continued support of the Australian Defence Force through AHQ.

The bag was certainly a welcome bit of colour to my deployment, the pattern was perfectly fine. And the Tim Tams didn’t last long amongst the boys here. I just wanted to say thankyou for your time and effort.


Dear Sonya

Thanks for the quilt and laundry bag. I received them a couple of days ago (07Jul), mail is slow getting here. I have been wondering what my wife had selected as the theme, although I guessed it would be Star Wars or maybe 1 SQN.

I’ve been here just over 2 months so far, with 5 weeks to go. So just a short trip this time. I’ve been over here 3 times before, ranging from 3 months to 6 months at a time. The last trip is when I met my wife.

The weather over here is crazy hot. It’s currently midnight and the temp is 40 degrees. Some days are getting to 50 degrees during the afternoon.

I put a couple of pictures up on Facebook and linked Aussie Hero Quilts, as well as my Aunt who also makes quilts, well at least 1 I know about that was our wedding present. She seemed pretty interested in the concept. 

The Goodies were just right, thanks.

Thanks again

Good Morning Jean,

My laundry bag arrived today!

Thank you so much, it is really lovely.  I can’t decide if I want to use it or hang it on the wall as art!

Your commitment to supporting men and women in a deployed environment is so greatly appreciated.  I speak to many troops who are having something made and are excited, or have received something and are so grateful. I am sure you get plenty of thank you’s, but please know your work is greatly appreciated.

Once again, thank you so much for MY laundry bag, and thank you for all the work you do to support ADF members.  Be very proud of what you do!




Dear Dianne,
            thank you so much for the wonderful quilt (complimenting the fabulous laundry bag).  I must admit that I had no idea what to expect, however, I was totally bowled over by the combination of the two items.

I do not know why, but the package of the quilt and the laundry bag went on a grand tour of the theatre, so it took a while to find me?  No harm done.  My wife’s first care package to me went via XXXX and it was food.  I had to throw it in the bin, much to the dismay of all who had been eagerly awaiting the arrival of some Greek sweets.  I also had my leave break, hence the delay in responding to your wonderful letter.

The photograph used for the basis of the quilt and laundry bag is actually on the bulkhead very close to my workspace.  Believe it or not, I think I also know the piper in the photo.  I played my pipes for the ANZAC Day Dawn Service.  My band  is about to depart for the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo (REMT) 2017, unfortunately due to this deployment I was unable to attend this year.  I took part in the 2014 and 2016 REMT.  The band and I have also supported Andre Rieu on both of his Australian tours.

Please keep up your inspiring support to those deployed on behalf of the Australian public.  Your group of tireless volunteers delivers a very positive and uplifting affect to all in theatre.   The quilt and laundry bag will be treasured by me and will be taken on all future deployments.  My wife has also been deployed many times and her quilt and laundry bag are the first things to be taken out in the pre-deployment prep phase.
Sincerely, and with heartfelt thanks

Hi Chris,

Thanks so much for the Australian themed laundry bag you sent. I love it. I especially like the calendar on it so each time I do my laundry I can see how much closer I am to going home to see my wife. The quilts and laundry bag initiative is a great one that means a lot to people who receive these items so thank you kindly for taking the time to think of me and the people over here. Sounds like you have your hands full with your brood of grandchildren. Thanks also for the paper and Shapes. Shapes are good currency around here so they’ll come in handy. I was impressed with how quickly your package arrived too.

Thanks again for your kind thoughts. All the best.


Hi Jan-Maree,

I just got back from my mid-deployment break with my wife. It was a great, albeit short, respite from the deployment and separation from my wife.  I arrived back to work to find the quilt you sent waiting for me. Thank you for the quilt and the letter you sent. I love the quilt and the sentiment behind it with all those people contributing to it in their own small way. I Think it’s great that you run those tutorials for others to learn from. Mum was a patchwork quilting, embroidery and cross stitch teacher herself one or two days a week while working as a nurse on the other days and at night. She loved teaching craft and it was a good way to fund her “habit”. It makes the quilt you sent me all the more fitting. Thank you. And please pass on my thanks to anyone else that contributed.

I also received laundry bag unexpectedly from someone in your network: Chris E. I have sent her a photo and email too.

Keep up the good work.


Hi Jan-Maree, 

I apologise I’ve not replied sooner – I’ve just returned from a period of leave and only now am I getting my feet back under the desk. 

I wanted to write and inform you that while I was on leave the quilt you made for me arrived and to say I was taken aback by it would be understatement – it is tremendous and I thank you so much for what was clearly a considerable amount of time and effort invested in producing it. 
It’s my intent to hang this proudly in my home when I return in a few weeks and it will indeed be a treasured item. 
Over the coming days I will endeavour to get a photo of the quilt for you to display on your blog/FB site.
Thank you again for your remarkable generosity; I am both proud and humbled by your kind gesture. 
Sincerest regards,


G’day Ruth

I have had the pleasure of receiving your laundry bag here in the Middle East.  Not to mention a couple of extra treats too.  I can’t say thank you enough, Or really explain how wrapped I am with the laundry bag.  I won’t be leaving it out either, Most of my crew here expressed an interest in it.

I took the laundry bag for a flight though the first day I got it just to get a couple of pics with it.  They are attached with a photo of my tent here.  Im really proud to be here, But Im looking forward to getting home to my family, I have two young boys 1 and 2 , And a very busy partner who is eager to have some help around the house again.

I am really grateful for what you do, And anyone who receives any of your work is lucky.  I didn’t know until I deployed that my Mum, Also a grandmother of 4, also makes quilts for defence members.  Ill make sure she see’s your handy work when I get home too.  She is located in QLD.  

Thanks so much again, Its the little surprises like this that help the time away pass.


Good Morning/Evening Julie-Ann,

I received a laundry bag from you today in the Mail (absolutely wrapped with it, and the embroidery is awesome). I am currently deployed over seas with the Australian Army. It will be put to good use during the deployment, highlighting that there are Aussie Troops here with support from back Home.

I have been in the Army for the 16 Year and have seen so many changes, some for the better and some for the worst. Currently I am on my third deployment overseas and without support from back home, it would get a lonely place. My wife and three kids always keep me entertained with their packages they send and contents within. When I first heard about the AHQ ladies and the love and passion that they always put into the work and send them with out hesitation, it showed that there are still so many people back home that support the troops and the wider Defence Force.

I was somewhat apprehensive about requesting a Laundry Bag/Quilt……. you see my mum has been into sewing, patchwork and embroidery for as long as I can remember and my Nan taught me how to use a Sewing Machine (as Mum wouldn’t let me on hers). I have always been giving my Mum heaps over her Patchwork, cutting material up and sewing it back together again, but it’s all good banter, she has a passion in life, as I’m guessing you have the same one, that no one should take that away. I wasn’t going to tell Mum that I had requested a AHQ item, as I knew she would have a laugh, however it was quite the opposite. She was so happy, she works at a sewing/patchwork store in my Hometown and has ladies quite regularly coming into the shop seeking assistance in putting together some weird request that one us Army guys may have requested.

Thank you again for your gift and support to the Troops. Send my thanks to your Husband also for the patience he must have to have a Patch worker in the House, well that’s what my dad would say anyway.


Good Morning Ruth,

I was delighted to recieve my laundry bag today in a care package from you. Even though its from a Port supporter! ha ha,  Its of great quality and has certainly brightened my day and week. It will be put to good use. As will the tim tams.

Thank you for support it means a great deal to us who are away from home. Good luck for the rest of the season it certainly looks like with Chad Wingaard playing well Port will be real contenders this year.


Dear Melissa

I hope this email finds you and your family well.  A very BIG thank you to both you and your mother-in-law for the quilt and the laundry bag. They arrived today. Yes they are as I imagined they would be,  just perfect and the quilt already has pride of place on my bunk and it will bring me a lot of comfort.

Once again Melissa thanks to you and your mother-in-law for the quilt and the laundry bag 

Dear Judith,

Thank you so much for the AMAZING quilt I received on Friday, personally from Jan-Maree!
You are a very, very talented quilter!   You can see from the huge smile on my face how thrilled I am to be a recipient of your quilt.

I will treasure if forever.  Thank you for giving up your free time to make these fabulous quilts.
I am in awe of the generosity of other people, like yourself, who work tirelessly to produce these amazing gifts for the service men and women.  Your hard work is certainly much appreciated.

On a personal note, I was thrilled to be receiving a quilt from someone in WA!  I am from WA – I had my 3 children (now 18, 16 and 14) in Rockingham/Kwinana public hospital, went to Kwinana High School, living north of the river for many years!

I was a teacher before I joined the ADF, and taught at Warnbro PS Serpentine PS, and Geraldton PS among others                                                                                                                                                                       
About 9 years ago I moved to Melbourne where I bought a house before joining Defence 3 years ago and getting posted to Sydney.  I am an aeronautical life support fitter in the RAAF, so I work closely with Aircrew.
We seem to have many things in common, although I can’t say I share the same passion as you do for classical music, but I certainly loved hearing how much you enjoy it.
(I’m more of a podcast listener, rather than music).

Anyway, thank you from the bottom of my heart for my amazing quilt.
It will stay with me forever.
Thank you for your support.

For a quilt made by Jo H (NSW) 

Good Morning,

Thank you for my amazing quilt, laundry bag and accompanying letter.  I received them late last night and couldn’t be more excited.  I absolutely love them and they have brightened up my room immensely.  Merida is my favourite Disney Princess and although I do not have the red hair I do have the blue eyes 🙂  I absolutely love how you have worked her in to both the laundry bag and quilt.  The care the skill that has gone in to the Celtic embroidery is amazing and I love how both my Aussie and Celtic heritage and represented in the quilt. 

At a time that I am missing my family immensely (I have to young boys) your thoughtfulness and wishes are greatly appreciated.  Thank you to you and all those who contribute to Aussie Hero Quilts – it really brightens our time away from our loved ones and makes the challenges we face easier to handle as we know we have the support from home. 

I will endeavour to get a photo to you this week however I did not want to wait to send my thank via email.

Best wishes & much appreciation

Dear Linda 

I am on deployment in the Middle East.  I am emailing to say thank you so much for the Dragon ball Z quilt that you made me. 

It arrived in the post this morning and I was really impressed! 

I must have taken a lot of time to make and for this I am truly appreciative. It is kind-hearted people like you that makes the job we do worthwhile.
I sincerely wish you all the best and good fortune.
Kind Regards,


Hi Jean,
Just a short note to sincerely thank you for the Laundry Bag you most generously made and sent me! It’s awesome, particularly in the Manly Sea Eagles colours!
What you and your colleagues/ friends do to support our deployed troops is absolutely fantastic and so well received.  As a Commander, I can tell you that there is a tangible lift that these gifts provide to the Soldiers.  Knowing that there are great Australians like you back home that care so much to give up your time to make our lives just that little bit more comfortable, is very special.

Please pass on my best to all of your friends. You’d be very proud of our Soldiers over here – they’re doing great work under very challenging circumstances.

If there’s anything I can do to assist you and your team, please do not hesitate to ask.

Warm regards,


Hello Leanne, 

Thank you very much for the quilt and laundry bag, they are fantastic and you did a great job. Thank you also for the chocolate, it’s a good morale booster and will go nicely with a cup of coffee when I get the chance to enjoy one. All of us here on HMAS Newcastle really appreciate the work you all do at Aussie Hero Quilts, I know that everyone that has received a quilt absolutely loves it.

I enjoyed reading your letter and I too look forward to moving to Queensland one day when I finish up in the Navy.  All of my family are still in that area and I get up there whenever I can. I’m glad the weather has been good where you are too, because where we are at the moment the temperature doesn’t drop below mid 30s and more often then not it’s well above 40 degrees even at night.
Once again thank you so very much for the quilt, laundry bag and chocolates and all the best to you, your family and your retirement plans.


Till next time…. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Jan-Maree xx

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