Giving V360 a bit of a hand……

Written by AHQ

21 August 2017

Last night I have some lovely news. Not too long ago I passed on a quilt to Jay from Veterans 360 in the hopes that they could use it to raise some much needed money to continue the work they do bringing homeless veterans off the street.   I am pleased to say that last night,  they held their first Homeless Veterans Fundraiser Quiz Night at the Broncos Leagues Club in Brisbane.
In total they raised $12,060.38, through the various donations, auction items, collections and entry price.
I am very pleased to say that $600 of those dollars came from the Auction of our quilt and late last night I received the following message from a very happy Jay. 
“Your quilt raised $600 at auction and is going to a 95 year old D-day veteran in Manchester UK!”

I am so delighted, and so is Norma who made the quilt.  She said,

“I am beyond delighted to know that my quilt was so well received and is now going on yet another journey – to the U K.”

Till next time…. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  
Jan-Maree xx

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  1. Unknown

    What a fantastic result!


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