Don’t forget to buy your tickets…..

Written by AHQ

8 September 2024

The Aussie Hero Quilts Annual Thank You Weekend…..

Greetings all!

This time in Seven weeks you will either be enjoying brunch at Poppy’s Cafe at the War Memorial, chatting about all the fun you had over the weekend, or you will be at home wishing you were there.

The Aussie Hero Quilts Annual Thank You Weekend is fast approaching, and it feels a lot faster for those of us on the organising committee, let me tell you.

The big weekend is 25-27 October 24.

Have you bought your tickets yet?


Just a reminder, you can get them here.

Are you new to sewing for us? If so, please don’t let that stop you from joining in on the fun. This is such a great opportunity to meet lots of other volunteers, to learn from them and to share ideas and it is also a great opportunity to meet some of our recipients.

if you are concerned about coming because you “don’t know anyone” please don’t let that worry you. Everyone is so friendly and it won’t be long before you feel right at home. The weekend is designed so that you can comfortably meet lots of the recipients during the Friday events and again on the bus on the Saturday so that when you walk into the Dinner on the Saturday night you will feel like you are amongst friends. Also, I do the seating arrangement so if you have any concerns let me know and I will make sure you are siting with friendly folk.

Would your husband/spouse/friend like to join us? They would be most welcome. Lots of them join in on the fun of the weekend, some attending all events and some just choosing to attend the dinner and maybe one or two others.

We have a pleasantly packed schedule for the weekend starting with a tour of the Australian War Memorial on the Friday afternoon. Then you have time to grab some dinner at the hotel or elsewhere before we begin the Volunteer’s Gathering which starts at 630 for 7pm at The Rex Hotel.

We will have three great speakers and the evening is punctuated with Lucky Door prizes and at the end of the night each volunteer will go home with a great goodie bag.


Some of last year’s lucky door prizes

The evening finishes at a respectable 10pm so you can all get to bed and get your beauty sleep. If you are new to Aussie Hero Quilts, or simply have not been able to attend a weekend before, you are welcome to join me and other “newbies” for breakfast at The Rex on Saturday morning.


At 1030am the bus leaves for a day of fun which includes two quilt shops, lunch and sights of Canberra bringing you back to the hotel by 330pm so again, you have time to put your feet up, freshen up and put on your glad rags for the main event, the Annual Thank You Dinner.


People start arriving at 630pm and can enjoy being serenaded by military bagpipes until everyone is asked to be seated by 7pm so that our packed schedule for the night can commence.AHQ%20Annual%20Thank%20You%20Dinner_045


It will be a fun filled night with one or two speakers, some surprise presentations and of course, our raffles and auctions. We have some great prizes this year including a gorgeous Navy bear made by Janis, quilts made by Joan, Ellen, Philomena and Leanne. My apologies if I have forgotten anyone. There are other prizes too but I can’t remember them all. Suffice to say there is bound to be something for everyone.Don’t forget we have a discounted price for Volunteers. You just need to contact me for the special code you need to use when buying your tickets.


We round up the weekend with brunch at Poppy’s Cafe at the Australian War Memorial. This is your last opportunity to swap phone numbers, Facebook details, emails etc with all the new friends you have made over the weekend.

Any questions please don’t hesitate to give me a call or drop me an email.

Again, this event is open to everyone. You do not have to have been sewing for us for a long time. All are welcome and that includes our recipients, spouses and anyone who likes what we do.

Till next time.. DON’T FORGET TO BUY YOUR TICKETS, keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Love Jan-Maree xx

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