
Written by AHQ

3 January 2015

This is an extra special post to share some lovely news.  

I will be spending tonight at the engagement party of one of our recipients.  Back in 2013 we sent a quilt to a recipient who has gone on to become a lovely friend.  She has also made an Aussie Hero Quilt, in spite of her horrendously busy schedule.  She is a beautiful person, inside and out, and has an equally beautiful family, who I have also come to know.  Meeting people like this has been a highlight for me personally and an unexpected bonus from running Aussie Heroes. 

In the midst of all the New Year celebrations she and her gorgeous man announced their engagement and everyone who knows and loves them is thrilled.

I just wanted to share the news with you and take the time to wish this gorgeous couple a very happy future together on behalf of all at Aussie Heroes.

What a very happy New Year indeed! 

Jan-Maree  xx

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