Christmas Dinner/Guest Bloggers and the Centenary of ANZAC Day…

Written by AHQ

2 October 2014

Hi all,
Just a short post tonight as I am flat out catching up from a busy couple of days. I can’t tell you all I have been up to but suffice to say that there are some exciting things happening and this little duck of a blog might look all serene and calm on the surface but under the water level we are paddling like mad.

Christmas Dinner.
I am planning an end of year/Christmas dinner again this year.  I have decided that it will be easiest to hold it in my home as that we we do not need to worry about numbers and making a reservation anywhere and we can worry about the dates closer to time.  I am hoping that we can, again, get some recipients along.  I will be using all my powers of persuasion (ANZACs, brownies, Mars Bar Mud Cake) to convince people to join us.  I expect it will be on a week night.  Date to be confirmed and those who live in Sydney, as opposed to those who might come from a distance will be asked to bring a plate.  Closer to time I will be calling for a volunteer to coordinate the menu and the RSVPs for me.  

One of three quilts made from the blocks received from the Challenge from the Brisbane Dinner 2013

Aussie Heroes End of a Great Year Challenge!!!
As you know, if you are a quilter and you come to one of our dinners you will invariably go home having “agreed” to participate in the creation of a challenge block!  You are such good sports!  🙂

This year’s dinner will be no different.  The details of the challenge will be announced on the night of the dinner but as in past years there will be a theme and probably a feature fabric. If anyone wants to donate two or three meters of a suitable Aussie fabric to be used in the challenge please get in touch.  Anyone who is not able to attend the dinner will be able to participate and this year, because I am so well-organised for a change, the challenge fabric will be posted out to the interstate participants in advance by a willing volunteer (who has yet to volunteer….:-)….)  Details of the actual challenge will not be released till the night of the dinner!  More details to follow!  Stay tuned!

Two awesome bags from the Brisbane Dinner Challenge

 Laundry Bag Challenge
In addition to the Challenge Block we will also be having a laundry bag Challenge which will be judged on the night of the dinner.  This is something that you can get stuck into very soon.  All details will be released in the next couple of weeks.  The theme of the bags will have an Australian flavour of course……..again……………stay tuned.

I have some special recipients in mind for these laundry bags so they will need to be posted to me.  Again details to follow.  🙂

Guest Blog Posts.
I am looking for some willing reliable volunteers who want to do some research and write some posts for me please. The Centenary of ANZAC Day is coming, and whilst it is a very important event in Australia’s history, I do not have the time to devote to researching blog posts that relate to it.  I value and appreciate our military history and the grand traditions that the ANZACs gave us, but my priority and that of Aussie Heroes will always be looking after those that are serving in our name now.   If we are to have some posts to commemorate significant events in the lead up to ANZAC Day 2015 I need your help.   

How we, Aussie Heroes, will commemorate the Centenary.
On the subject of the Centenary I am planning to run a special project that will commemorate it but it will be something relatively simple as, once again I cannot devote a huge amount of resources to commemorating the heroes of the past when the heroes of our present need our support.  I am not sure what form the project will take just yet but standby to hear more about it in days, weeks to come. 
Suggestions welcome.

Cartoon Mystery Quilt 
I think it is Mystery Quilt time again and it is a FUN one!! This time we are going to go with the block in the October Block of the Month (tutorial here) and the theme will be CARTOONS!!!!! Any cartoons. How easy is that?? Who’s in? Email me if you are interested (fr**********@gm***.com) and let me know how many blocks you would like to do. You must register to do blocks.

And finally, if you have sent off a quilt or a laundry bag this week and you are not on this list please let me know.

Berrima Patchwork
Christine C
Diane B
Linda H
Rita M
Rita C

Till next time……………keep spreading the word and happy stitching.

Jan-Maree  xx

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