Cherry Sundays

Written by AHQ

28 July 2013

Greetings all and welcome to Sunday!  
This might be a Cherry Sunday post but there are not too many requests this week, either that I have missed saving some to this post.  What I do have you will see below but first guess what I have been doing all morning today.  Last Tuesday at the sewing day Caroline and Nancy matched up quilt tops with backings for me.  That is such a HUGE help let me tell you.  Today I sat down with the Request List and sorted out the priorities.  Ten quilts are heading off to Stephanie on Tuesday so that she can quilt them.  That is the pile on the right.  Another six quilts are heading off to Kim and two of her friends on Thursday so they can be quilted and that is the pile on the left.

Two more quilts are heading off to Donna tomorrow – if I get the backing pieced for one and the bindings cut.  Two quilts headed off with Joan this morning – Joan is a new quilter who heard about AHQ from me at Kim Bradley’s new quilt shop this week.  I will tell you more about Kim’s shop later in the week but it is in Castle Hill.  The details are here

Address: Unit 7, 9 Packard Avenue, Castle Hill.
Telephone: (02) 9659 2919

Opening days & times: Tuesday – Sunday 10.00 am – 4.00 pm

If you are in the area I strongly recommend you drop in

This pile of tops comprises quilts allocated to a recipient but waiting to be allocated to a quilter but we will get there.  Of course should anyone feels so inclined I can always use more quilters.  Even those who quilt with straight line quilting and domestic machines are welcome to put their hand up – there are no quilt police allowed in Aussie Heroes.

(and yes, I do believe in Santa Claus!  All year round.  Doesn’t everyone?)

Just a note on quilt tops – some of these quilt tops are made from BOM blocks.  Many, however, are donated.  I am sorry but it is getting too hard for me to remember or keep track of who made which top though I try really hard to.  What I have decided to do is to take photos of the completed quilts and send them out via email to those on the vounteer list.  Hopefully, if you have made a top or two you will be on the list and will be able to remind me which quilts are yours.  I do hope that is okay.

My days are a little disrupted for the next two weeks as one of my sons is doing Year 12 Exams and so his routine is unpredictable.  I am car pooling with another mother thankfully as we have to drive them to and from the exam venue which is not co-located with the school.  So, that leaves me short of time in some ways and with extra time in others.  It just might mean that some of the blog posts are a little shorter than normal and my email response might be brief.

Just a reminder that this week, being month end and a new month beginning will be a slightly different routine.  Tomorrow night I have a special post in mind – you are going to love it! Tuesday night will be a combined Happy Mail and Grati-Tuesday.  Wednesday night will be This Time Last Year and Thursday night will be the BOM post for August.    That should be enough to keep us all entertained for the week I hope.

I try to always share what happens on the Facebook page on the blog as I know that many of you are not on Facebook and don’t like to miss out.  Today I posted this picture and asked for feedback as follows

“What do you reckon fellows – is this masculine enough for a Wounded Warrior Quilt?  If you were sent to Germany and woke up with this on your bed woudl you be comfortable with it or is it too flowery?”

Personally, this is one of my current favourites with thanks to Liz J, Karen B, Dasha and Claire who made the blocks and Dasha and Evelyn who put the top together.  With some quilts though I do like to check that I am on the right track.

“Taste is always an individual thing, but it is beautiful and the stars give a nice touch. However, I love mine as you know, but what it represents meant so much more to me; it could’ve been lilac with a cherub motif and I would still love it.  You’re all just plain wonderful.”

And then there was this comment

“If I woke up in Germany with a hand made quilt on my bed I would feel ecstatic.”

It really means a lot to me when former recipients comment and I wanted you non-facebookers to know how much it means to them as well.

Time now for a few request emails for you to read while I get back to work!

Hello Friends of AHQ,

I have personally seen some of the great work that Friends of AHQ have done to help those of us who are currently away from home for long periods of time. It really is heart warming to see such gratitude and I can honestly say that there are so many servicemen and women who appreciate your generosity and support.

I am overseas with a group of 11 soldiers and I think they would certainly appreciate an AHQ laundry bag. I am certainly a fan of the quilt and laundry bag my roommate received from AHQ and I would like to know how I could place an order?

Hi Jan-Maree,
I received your email from XXXXX sometime ago, but had not got around to sending you an email as yet.

Firstly, I would like to thank you and your team for what you do. I have heard my troops with great delight open their parcels from Aussie Hero Quilts and share their loot and show off their quilts and bags. Its a small thing, but it brings a great deal of colour and joy over to a very beige landscape!

If at all possible, would I be able to request a laundry bag and quilt? I will be here for just under 7 more months at this point through to Feb 14 – however if you have people ahead of us in Afghanistan, I would be happy to wait to let them go first.

You asked about interest, colours and hobbies – I have been nuts about planes since I was about 2 so my mother tells me – so anything with aircraft, the Australian flag and in the colour blue or anything that bright and colourful would be great. I also love cooking and eating when I am home and spending time with my wife and baby daughter. However – I am happy to take whatever is on offer at the time from your end.

Again – thank you for what you do for us. 

Hello I am currently a serving LCPL in the Australian Army in Afghanistan, and I heard about the great job you guys do with quilts and laundry bags.  I was wondering if I could please get one of the fantastic laundry bags.  If possible could I please get it in RAEME colours of Blue Yellow and Red?
Thank you very much for every thing you are doing.

Till next time……………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  JMxx

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  1. Sue Niven

    Masculine enough? Yes, men like flowers too!

  2. Janine C

    I love BOM quilts (have I said that before?).


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