BOM February 2016…..

Written by AHQ

4 February 2016

Our Block of the Month is a little late coming but here it is.   Before I go any further though I want to say a very big thank you to Sandy C who has kindly agreed to put the BOMs together for us each month.   Caroline has been doing it up to now but she really has not had the time to do it with her new job and the travel that has involved.  This is a really HUGE helps so BIG BIG THANK YOU to Sandy!

I also want to say thank you to those that provided me feedback on the Aussie Heroes Facebook page. I asked if people preferred to do scrappy blocks or if they preferred me to nominate a colourway.  I think it was pretty well unanimous that I should set the colour combinations and that is awesome and it will lead to some great unified quilts which will get great for all sorts of things… not the least of which will be football themed quilts!  YAY!

I apologise for the layout of tonight’s post… blogger was playing up A LOT today.

AHQ Block of the Month Project – February 2016

COLOURWAY – Black, White and Red.

Please make two blocks with a red centre.  One block should be black fabric with a red centre and the other block should be white fabric with a red centre.  The red fabric should be the same in each of the two blocks.

The black fabric should have some white print on it but be predominantly black.
The white fabric should have some black print on it but be predominantly white.
The red fabric should be plain or tone-on-tone or predominantly red.

CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS – for each of the two blocks using white for one of the blocks 

Apoligies for the next set of pics, for some reason I can not make them bigger so if you can’t read the writing I apologise but the instructions are pretty self explanatory if you follow the diagrams.

Please note, when using red, it might be worth considering pre-washing your fabric as red is the worst colour for running in the wash.

Please send your blocks in at this stage to Caroline at the following address.

Caroline Gunn
PO Box 3079 St Marys Sth  NSW  2760

Please do not trim them. 

Note to the quilter joining the blocks together.

Block layout is 4 x 7 blocks requiring 28 blocks.  Finished Quilt top will be 42 x 73.5 inches.

The instructions should make a block that is 12.25 inches square.  The blocks should be trimmed back
to 11 x 11 inch making them 10.5 x 10.5 inch when sewn together.

Some possible block layout plans but I’m sure there are more.  Sorry the colours are not black, white and red…Sandy’s Quilting program wasn’t co-operating 😉

You can get a PDF version of the BOM by clicking HERE.

Till next time………………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Jan-Maree xx

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  1. Sandra Askill

    Thank you for this BOM design should make for some interesting quilts.
    Thank you to Sandy C. for taking on the quilts, that is sure to be a weight off Carolines workload.
    Sandy A.


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