A little bit of this and a little bit of that

Written by AHQ

27 June 2013

Greetings on a coolish, dampish day in Sydney – great quilting weather really!
And an especially cheery welcome to all the new facebook followers!  Over 1250 now!  Who’d have thought it would happen!

Just a point from the post the other night about laundry bags.  What I was trying to say (and I don’t think I quite managed it) was that from now on you might need to check and see if a laundry bag is needed with every quilt.  I will be trying to arrange laundry bags for everyone as soon as possible so they don’t spend months looking for their laundry while they wait for their quilt.  So, if you want to make a laundry bag to match the quilt you might like to check with me first to see if one is needed. Hope that makes things a little clearer.
Oh, and with so many quilters with so many individual personal preferences you will need to remind me if you like to make laundry bags or not as I just can’t remember who does what……and please don’t suggest I start a list/table or spreadsheet to help me remember, i have MORE than enough lists, tables and spreadsheets as it is!  LOL

This is another bits and pieces post with, I hope a little bit for everyone.  First up another Pretty Please email that I thought you would enjoy 

Hi there,
I would firstly like to thank you for the joy you bring to our members over here with the beautiful quilts and laundry bags you create. I have a few friends who have received them and they are absolutely stunning. 
Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is XXXXXX and I am a 29 year old female currently serving on Operations in the Middle East. I am a member of the Royal Australian Air Force and work in the logistics field. I live in XXXXXX, its a great spot to live near the nice beaches.  
I follow the NRL Bulldogs and my favourite colour is blue.
If you are able to spare the time to make a beautiful quilt and laundry bag for me, I would be truly grateful.
Hope to hear from you soon.

To me emails like the above are just about as good as the thank you messages.  When someone says we are bringing joy or smiles or morale boosts to those serving in our name it just makes my day!  I know I am totally one-eyed and hopefully biased but I really cannot imagine getting as much satisfaction from sewing for anyone else.   

The following is a message that I received from the Chaplain on Newcastle yesterday.  As you know quilts have started to arrive and it seems they have been so well received. 

Quilts are arriving as you know and the response I have observed has been exceptional.  Even the “crusty” types are quite taken by the care and quality of the quilts and the thought that has gone into their requests.  Please pass on a big thank you from me as it has brightened peoples’ days and in the words of the movie The Castle,  “these quilts are going straight to the pool room!”  It has been nice to see people showing off their quilts and Laundry bags but even more exciting is the response to the letter received with them.  I think there might be some pen pals formed out of this which is nice. Any way thanks again and rest assured that the efforts of your team are bearing much fruit onboard HMAS Newcastle.

 I would love to know how many made it so far but at least we have heard from three recipients.  The reason we have not heard from more is probably very much due to the fact that their mail delivery coincided with a very pleasant port trip and they would be making the most of that.  

Please don’t forget to let me know if you hear that your quilt or laundry bag has been received so that I can record it accordingly and remember it is also great to share the thank you messages (you know I will delete all the personal stuff)

And now for something completely different – another quilter’s recipe.

This time from one of our Laundry Bag Sewing Queens, Joan.

Quick Tuna Risotto
225 gr tin of Tuna in spring water, drained.
400 gr tin of tomatoes, flavoured if you would like.
1 cup of Arborio rice
1 to 1 1/2 cups of stock or water, don’t forget to rinse both tins and use this water.
250 gr package of frozen spinach, flavoured if you like.
Some oil, I use garlic infused then I don’t have to cook the garlic
The only rule with this is to be relaxed about quanties, a little bit either way makes not a jot of difference.

Have on hand if required, grated parmesan and chopped parsley, I use flat leaf.
I use an electric frypan but any pan with lid will do.
Method: I laugh here, there is nothing methodical about it.
Heat 2 tablespoons in oil and add the cup of rice. Stir until all grains are covered with oil. (Open the cans whilst this is happening.)
Add, tomatoes, spinach, 1 cup of liquid  and tuna. Stir and add lid, leave to simmer.
Pour glass of wine, lay the table (about 8 to 10 minutes)
Stir contents, if it looks dry add some more of liquid.
Check emails, homework, husband, what ever needs checking (about 8 to 10 minutes).
Pop serving plates in microwave to warm.
Stir pan again, test if rice is soft, check liquid add a little more if required.
Serve, sprinkle with parmesan, parsley and black pepper.

Eat and enjoy.

Thanks Joan.  I might have to try that while I have both my boys home for the holidays demanding wanting food.

Don’t forget to share your quick and easy recipes so that we can all spend more time sewing and less time in the kitchen – unless of course you want to spend time in the kitchen, in which case, can you cook for me too please?

The following list of ladies have sent something off this week and if you have also, but do not appear on this list, please let me know.

Cheryl D
Judy D
Julie Ann
Rita C
Rita M
Stephanie D
Stephanie T

Note  – the Old Bags and the Dag have completed their first quilt but as they are such a special group I am not posting their quilt pic until their recipient has received it as someone is likely to see it and tell him if he doesn’t see it himself!   You will just have to wait but trust me!  It is a classic Aussie Quilt!

I don’t like doing posts without pictures so thought I would share some of the upcoming footy themed quilts  – these are examples of how you can make simple but effective team quilts.

The first three were sewn by Louise and went on to be quilted by Stephanie T

This one was sewn by Carolyn M and I added the applique and it was quilted by Stephanie T.

Well that is it for me tonight.  I am off to pack some quilts for posting.

Till next time…………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

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