The latest Chaplaincy Course

Written by AHQ

14 September 2022


Last week I ventured to Canberra for a few days and one of the reasons I went down there was to speak to the latest Chaplaincy Course about Aussie Hero Quilts and to present them with personalised laundry bags.
We often connect up with Chaplains in all three services so that we can support various groups with quilts and laundry bags and taking the time to meet the “new to defence” chaplains has proved very beneficial. 
This group had a few that had heard of us but none of them were expecting to receive their own bag. I was joined by Fran T (seen here on the left) and Marg B (in the middle) for the visit. Fran is married to one of our Army Chaplains and Marg is her mother, therefore, the Army Chaplain’s Out Law! (He says that, not me!) 
As always it is great to meet with the chaplains and a great opportunity to explain what we do and who we look after.   I look forward to seeing them around the traps in the future. 








Till next time keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Jan-Maree xx 


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