Grati-Tuesday 28th June 2022

Written by AHQ

28 June 2022


Happy Tuesday Friends!

Hope everyone has had an awesome week!

Two 20+ years of service Defence members were presented their quilts and laundry bags during the week.  It is amazing achievement for anyone but especially for two women!  
So grab a cuppa, sit back, relax and enjoy the gratitude letters below. 

Good afternoon AHQ,

                On behalf of HMAS Arunta, I would like to pass on our thank you and gratitude to the wonderful team who made our recent Laundry Bags. To see the joy on the sailors faces when they opened their parcels were priceless. They were so impressed and thankful for all the hard work and dedication your team provide.


Please pass on my thanks to all who provided such amazing and excellent laundry bags.

Again you guys rock.




Dear Jan-Maree B

Recently we received a beautifully hand crafted Aussie Heroes Quilt from your organisation in memory of our late son. 

Words cannot describe the honour and pride we felt having received one of these unique quilts. We are so grateful to all your generous volunteers, Lynn F and Philomena H for their time and dedication in making something so special for us as a family to treasure in our sons memory.

Please pass on our sincere thanks to everyone involved.

With kindest regards


G’day Wendy B!


                I just received my laundry bag and your note and I am so so grateful. It is absolutely gorgeous and I can’t thank you enough, its so beautiful! 

I’ve served in HMA Ships Choules, Melbourne, Bathurst, Glenelg, Manoora, Tobruk, Leeuwin  and now I’m back serving in Choules again. I was recently an  Instructor for trainees at the beginning of their careers and I encouraged them to make the most of every opportunity. The opportunities and challenges they face today are very different from when I was at their level, but will give them no less of a challenging and rewarding career.


Thank you so much for blessing my day, your kindness has genuinely touched me and I’m so so grateful, I can’t thank you enough. May whatever God you believe in bless you for your kindness towards me.


My very kindest regards and most heartfelt thanks,


Hello Philomena H,

We are the parents of a RAAF Warrant Officer who was serving with the RAAF at Tindal Base in the Northern Territory at the time of his sudden death. He had served just over 32 years in the RAAF.

Your name, together with the other two ladies, Lynn F & Kerri B, has been given to us by Jan-Maree as being the three ladies who made a Fallen Warrior Quilt for us.

Jan-Maree told us you did the intricate quilting. It looks absolutely fantastic and certainly adds to the quality and appearance of the quilt.

We are writing to sincerely thank you for your contribution in making such a beautiful quilt for us. The finished product looks absolutely fantastic and we felt extremely humble and very emotional when it was presented to us

Our son had received a beautiful quilt, made by Ellen N, while he was on one of his 6 month deployments in Iraq/Afghanistan and was extremely excited on receiving it, making a special mention in one of his allocated weekly 10 minute ‘phone call home, 10.20pm every Friday.

We now have that quilt and the two of them will be kept together as a wonderful memorial for him.

The amount of work involved in making the quilts is incredible and is a huge credit to all of you.

Our special one is absolutely beautiful and we can’t thank you enough for the time, effort and love that has occurred in the production of it.

Thank you once again for making this very, very special Memorial Quilt for us.

Keep up the great work you are doing, the troops overseas really do appreciate their Quilts & Laundry Bags. Parents and other loved ones are very grateful for the special Fallen Warrior Quilts you make.

We trust you and yours are in good health.

Our kindest regards,


Good morning Aussie Hero Quilts,


I am pleased to say I have received a Laundry Bag from Beverley B. 


Please pass on my sincere gratitude to Beverley as she has provided me with a beautiful piece of  artwork.  It arrived at the perfect time as I am starting leave tomorrow and this will be the first thing I pack in my suitcase.




Philomena H & Lynn F,


I received my Aussie Hero Quilt today and was absolutely blown away and brought to tears (in a good way).


I just wanted to extend a huge thank you to your amazing self for the quilting work. It is more than apparent that you put your heart and soul into blessing our ADF women and men. Words fail to truly describe how much this means to me and so many others.


Jan-Maree B is such a dear friend and she lives a life of inspiration and encouragement to us all. Through every adversity as well as good times she has shown us all how to face life with such grace, dignity, compassion, love and immense courage. I believe like people attract like people, and although we have not met I can be well assured that you must be cut from the same cloth as you have teamed up together in AHQ.


I pray that there be many blessings bestowed upon you and your family and once again my heartfelt thanks to you for your part in this amazing quilt.


Kindest regards,


G’day Wendy,

I am writing to thank you for the laundry bag I received, it did put a smile on my face, I loved it. I am nearing the end of my deployment to Africa after nine months away. 
You live in a lovely part of the world, I hope you were not affected by the flooding that happened there recently. I also hope that since the removal of restriction you have been able to get back and see both your mother and granddaughter. 

I hope you are well and wishing you all the best for the remainder of 2022 and the future. I hope that many more Australian servicemen or women are lucky enough to receive a laundry bag made by you. 

Yours Sincerely,

Good Morning AHQ,

I had the pleasure of presenting a RAAF Sergeant her quilt and Laundry bag (made by Ann S) which was a request for having served and still serving for 20+ years. She was absolutely thrilled with her quilt and laundry bag & loved the design as she is an avid bird lover, it was just perfect for her! (see photo below)



A 20+ year Navy member receiving her LB (Cheryl F) and Quilt (Gayle W) from a colleague and AHQ board member

A 20+ year RAAF member receiving her Quilt & LB (Ann S)

Well, thats it for another week. 
Keep the letters and the love flowing….

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