Grati Tuesday April 5th

Written by AHQ

5 April 2022

 Happy Tuesday Friends!

Wow, April already!! Easter will be here before we know it, and then we will have to wait another 9 months for Hot Cross Buns!!!
Hope you are having a great week so far! Grab a cuppa and a snack – sit back, relax and enjoy the gratitude letters below. 

Dear Jacqui.D,


I would like to say the biggest and most heartfelt thank you to you for the wonderful quilt and laundry bag that I was presented with yesterday.


Wow – I feel so honoured that you have taken so much precious time and energy in creating something so beautiful for me! 


It was presented to me at our Australian Defence Force Support Chaplain’s Course, alongside 8 ADF course Chaplains who were receiving their Laundry bags through Aussie Hero Quilts. Jan Maree is in the back ground of the screen behind me!


Having completed 20 years full time Navy and 17 as a Naval Reserve undertaking days, this is definitely my most treasured recognition; to have not only been nominated, but to then have someone as special as you to make it for me, is truly wonderful.


Once again Jacqui, thank you, thank you , thank you, it will always take pride of place in my home.


With warmest wishes



I have received my quilt and absolutely love it. Thank you so much Barbara for making it for me, I really appreciate it. 

Thanks again!
Dear Jan-Maree and all the volunteers.

I have been helping on Operation Flood Assist, a QLD Military person sent to NSW to help.


The Chaplain gave out your beautiful bags and I was so humbled to receive such a beautiful gift in such a shitty situation.
You all make a real difference to us ADF personnel sending us your quilts and beautiful bags.
Thank you for being beautiful human beings.
Hi Ellen,
I’m just writing to extend my sincere thanks for sewing a marvellous laundry bag which has been of great use during my current deployment to Malaysia. I suspect it has been some time since you first sent the bag off, however I wanted to let you know it has indeed found a welcome home here in the tropics.
To give a little history about myself, I’ve served in the Australian Army for 19 years now, first as an Ordnance Corps officer and for the last eight years as a doctor. I remember with some fondness (albeit a lot of tiredness) my time as a medical student and junior doctor in the public hospitals of NSW and ACT.
I am the proud father of two girls, 7 and 4 years old, and am extremely fortunate to have a phenomenal wife who navigates the trials of a periodically absent spouse and parent with strength and grace. I have found throughout my time in Army that the partners, children and family of serving members very much serve alongside them.
All the best to you and your husband in your travels exploring Australia, and I wish you both many more years of spectacular scenery (with maybe a fish or two thrown in 🙂 ).
Kind regards.


Good Afternoon Janet,
I am writing to you to thank you for the wonderful laundry bag and quilt that you provided me through the Aussie Hero Quilts. I was sure to follow the instructions and the colour catches worked well so they have retained their incredible colour.
I am an Officer of the Watch on HMAS Canberra and we have been tasked for the previous month to sail to Tonga to assist in the clean-up from the tropical cyclone that moved through in mid January. We are not due to return to Australia for another few weeks after relieving HMAS Adelaide who sailed when the incident first occurred. Luckily I was able to spend Christmas and New Year with my wife and 18 month old daughter before we were sent over here on tasking which was nice after spending almost 5 months away at the end of last year travelling through Asia for an overseas deployment and regional engagement.
I would like to thank you for your work with AHQ and the incredible work they do. I acquired another laundry bag from AHQ back in 2019 and the quality of them is second to none. 
I hope that you are your family are well.
Kindest Regards.



G’day Wendy,

Thank you so much for the laundry bag. It looks amazing and is certainly very much appreciated. It has had a workout already and you are correct in saying it looks great and stands out in the Laundry room! 
My job is a mechanic in the RAAF. Back in Australia I am posted to in the NT so I’m enjoying experiencing the area and the lifestyle of the Top End when I’m back home. I’ve visited Sydney a couple of times but it is to big for me to think about being based there. 
Originally i’m from SA so definitely missing beaches, my dog, family and niece! I hope all is well and you get to see your family soon! 
I have attached a photo of the bag in action. Once again thank you and Best Wishes
Kind Regards 
Dear Margaret.B,
It was a delight to meet you last week and to learn more about the work of Aussie Heros.
What a fabulous organisation and what a great gift you and the other members are to our Defence Community.
Thank you for your service!!
At a personal level thank you for my laundry bag. Without knowing me you have managed to capture so many important things in my life. Whether at shore or at sea using the bag will be a source of great joy and I am incredibly grateful to you and Aussie Heros.
With warm wishes and prayers,
God Bless.
Good afternoon Ruth,

Thank you so very very much for my Laundry Bag it has been very well used to this point. It is absolutely beautiful and I am so very appreciative of the work that you have done in making it for me.

My time in Defence is also coming to an end and your Laundry Bag will be one of the few things in the last couple of years to brighten my day.


Unlike you I have just started my journey as a grandfather and look forward to the years ahead watching my little one grow into a big strong man.


Once I retire I will have the time to do that and with the way and the quality of my Laundry Bag I will pass it on to him.


Again thank you


Kindest Regards 




A quick email to thank you for the wonderful laundry bag I have received this week from yourself. The colours are excellent, and brightens the corner of my cabin on board the ship.


I hope you are well, and surviving the unprecedented and dreadful floods.


Yours aye, and enduring thanks



Dear Sheena.B,


Thank you! I was delighted and surprised to receive my very own Hero Quilt.  It is fantastic.  The imagination, skill and hard work is outstanding.  In a long collection of memorabilia over my career, it will be the stand out.  It’s comforting composition makes it all the more personal.  It represents memories with unique touch and feel.  It’s something I know already that will be a centre piece of when I rest and relax for the rest of my life.  


Thank you again – this is very special.





Thats it for another week. Hope you have a wonderful evening and we will have a whole lot more for you next week.



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