Weekly Dispatches 11 October

Written by AHQ

11 October 2013

Greetings all.
Just a few reminders before we get the show and tell underway.

Firstly I have been so busy getting off parcels to TK that I forgot to remind everyone that the next sewing day in Penrith is on this Sunday.  Please can you let me know if you are planning to come so that I can be prepared.  If you have not joined us before we are a friendly lot.  No fancy stitching needed – just straight stitch.

We meet at Penrith Patchwork at 10am and sew till around 2pm, sometimes later depending on store hours. I try to bring some morning tea but you need to bring your machine and your lunch.  I will provide all the materials.  BYO coffee mug if you want tea or coffee.  I always forget to add that.  This week I hope to make a few special laundry bags and some quilt tops to match some of the special requests on my list.

Also the next sewing day at my home is on Friday the 18th.  Same routine.  Start at 10am and sew till 3-ish.  BYO lunch and machine and I provide the rest.  Let me know if you need the address.

Hope to see you at one or the other day.  They are always fun and friendly days!

And don’t forget to reserve your tickets for the dinner.  
It is shaping up to be a great night!

So now on with the show!

The tally so far.  

29 quilts this week and 67 laundry bags.  

1140 quilts and 2092 laundry bags for 2013.  

2148 quilts and 3458 laundry bags in total. 

Help! It is getting so hard to remember who had made or donated which quilt top.  I am getting better at keeping those records but this is one that slipped through.  It arrived the day that Stephanie was here for a sewing day and it was huge. Clever lady that she is, she took it home and re-worked it and we ended up with a quilt and a matching laundry bag.  If you recognise this as your work please let me know so that I can edit this post and give you credit.

This quilt top was donated by Sarah T and was quilted by Stephanie T.

This quilt top donated by Sue N (SA) and also quilted by Stephanie T


Naomi has been collecting Orphan Blocks and this is one of the quilt tops she has assembled.  Love it!
For the non-quilters, Orphan Blocks are those ones that are left over from other projects of the ones that you make to try out a pattern but decide against using and or in this case, even a few leftover Blocks of the Month.

This is one of the quilts donated entirely by the lovely ladies from the Camden Country Quilters Guild!  Girls can’t say too much of course but this one has gone off to a hard working doctor.


Jan made this quilt top and Sandra quilted it.  Angela sent it off.  We are great at teamwork here at AHQ.

More team work from Jenny D and Gale!

JIll S created this quilt top and Stephanie quilted it.


Judy H and her sewing group, Clyde Street Quilters of Kempsey have been busy. 

When they saw tea towels in an earlier blog entry they liked the idea.  They placed an add in a local paper and in a few days we had people dropping them off plus one  kind lady rang and ask if they could pick up 40 from her home.  They have so far finished 4 boxes of laundry bags!

Julie Ann

Karen B


Kiwi Karen

These three quilts were made by one of our long arm quilters, Kym.  I wish you could see the quilting.  This one is quilted with camping gear.


This is a Cronulla Sharks quilt and is quilted with sharks and footballs.

And this one with fishing motifs.  Cool!

Quilt top by Lynn and quilting by Camden Country Quilters Guild.

Quilt top by Lynn and quilting by me!  I have to mention that awesome magpie fabric donated by Dasha!  Love it

Another by Lynn and quilted by Camden Country Quilters Guild.



You have to check out the cute details on this quilt made by Naomi for a fellow owl lover


This went to a someone on HMAS Newcastle and “Enterprise” is their motto

And at last a look at the whole.
How cute!!!
BZ Naomi!

This was completed by the lovely Old Bags and the Dag 
and is the only quilt I will show you with somene’s name on on it!


Su made this – check out the pics of the much missed fur babies!

More of Su’s work.  Please note – those funny diamonds are theme appropriate rank markings!

Remember all those Pink blocks we made for that Mystery Quilt?  Well the quilt is finished and is on its way but I can’t post a pic til it has been received because the recipient reads the blog! and watches the FB page.  Rest assured thought that she will let me know as soon as she has received it.  She is very excited to see it!

Till next time…………………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  JMxx

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1 Comment

  1. trash

    I laughed when I saw that Dolohin Tea Towel laundry bag. Magnetic Island, yes? I have that exact one sent by my Uncle 30 yrs ago. He signed it to all the girls I was at school with who had aided me in writing him letters. I still have it in my linen press.


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