Happy Mail 13 March

Written by AHQ

13 March 2014

Hi all,
Just a teeny post tonight.  Three quilt tops have come in and four sets of Blocks of the Month.  Unfortunately our posts are a little out of kilter this week and Caroline could not get the blocks photographed for today so those will be up next week.   If you are worried about whether or not she has received your blocks just let me know and I will check with her.

Here are the three quilt tops that we have received this week.

These first two are the first contributions by Wendy W – thanks very much Wendy!

This was one of the BOM kits that was put up a couple of weeks ago and Katherine completed it for us and sent it to me.  Looks great doesn’t it.

This is another of those BOM kits and Melissa has completed the quilt entirely!  Way to go Melissa.

There are still  a few more BOM kits waiting for people to put them together if anyone has the time.

Just contact me if you want to know what they are.

Finally, can you embroider? I often hear from people who can’t quilt but have other skills and wonder how they can contribute. Well, this is a great way for those with embroidery skills to help out.  I have a new Chaplain who has joined the team collecting requests from soldiers who are in Forward Operating Bases.  These guys may not know about us or may not feel they are doing anything that warrants our attentions.  How wrong they are and the chaplain has been able to collect a bunch of requests from these guys.  Many of them have asked for Garter Blue quilts (that is their corps colour and I am yet to tie down exactly what garter blue is) and they have also asked for the “skippy badge” or Infantry Badge.  

I find it really hard to say know to these guys, knowing the nature of the work that they do and would really like to get the badges for them.  I am looking into getting the pattern digitised but that takes time.  What I am looking for is ladies (or gents) who might like to embroider one or two of these to send to me to include in a quilt.  The enbroidery needs to be done on a cream background with two strands of black embroidery thread.  They will be then incorporated into a mostly blue quilt.  If you can help out with this please let me know.  You can email me  (


) or you can PM me on Facebook.  I can send the pattern to anyone who is interested.  I am not looking for fancy stitching – just a black outline on a cream background.  I am not an embroiderer myself so am no stitch expert but some sort of outline stitch is all we need.

If you have sent a quilt or a laundry bag this week then your name should be on the list below.  If it isn’t please let me know.

Annette S
Jenny and Gale
Ed M
Karen Bet
Kerri H
Linda C
Louise T
Steph N
Stephanie D
Sue A

Must go – lots of work being done here.  Debbie and I have been sorting fabric like mad – finally making sense of most of the donated fabric that has been in the stash for a while.  Caroline came over early on Tuesday to help and Evelyn and Robin are coming today. 

Till next time……………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  JMxx

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