ANZAC Day laundry bag challenge update

Written by AHQ

20 March 2014

Reminder!  Don’t forget the sewing day 

in Penrith on Sunday!!!

Before I do anything else I just have to share these great pics that came in last night. When I can I send one or two laundry bags to a contact “over there” and ask them to pass them on to someone who will not ask for one for themself.  

Often I never hear anything back from those quilts, other than the fact that they have been passed and are appreciated.  That is fine.  We don’t need more than that …….but when something a bit more comes through 

Imagine the smile that this put on my face!  This was on my personal Facebook Page.

A very big thank you to Jan-Maree Ball and all the lovely quilt makers all over OZ. 
These two blokes are very happy to receive their quilts!

The quilt on the left is one of the Block of the Month Quilts
The quilt on the right was donated by the Camden Country Quilters.

Thanks for the pics guys!  MUCH APPRECIATED!
How are you all going with your ANZAC Day Laundry Bag Challenge?

Three and a half weeks to go until the laundry bag challenge photos have to be with me on Monday the 14th of April.  Have you decided  on a theme or are you going to make one of each.  I know Pennie has made an Aussie Laundry bag as well as one each for Army, Navy and Air Force! Way to go Pennie!

How about some more inspiration?

So just a reminder  – the Theme is simple one  




You don’t need to send the laundry bags to me but you are welcome to if you wish.  I just need a photo of the completed laundry bag.  You can make it for a request you are working on, or make it for whatever special request you are working on.    

Photos of all challenge laundry bags need to be received by me no later than 
Monday the 14th of April.  
That will give plenty of time for the judges to do their thing.  (I am betting that the Money Honey and SuperDad won’t volunteer again! LOL)  I have some judges in mind but I need to wait till closer to time to lock them in as I am hoping to ask some our Heroes to help out in that area as they have done in the past.

I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

The following ladies have sent off quilts and laundry bags this week 

Alicia N
Rita M
Steph N
Sue N

If you have sent off a quilt or a laundry bag this week and your name is not on the list please remind me.

I am off to sew! I have a date with my sewing machine and loads of Applique!  Lynn and I are collaborating on a bunch of quilts for some Commandos and I want to get them done!
Stand clear of my sewing room!

Till next time……………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching! JMxx

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  1. Sue Niven

    Love the pictures, the reminder and Happy Sewing!

  2. kiwikid

    Fantastic pictures…hope no one got between you and your sewing room!!! Happy sewing!


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