Labels and other interesting bits and pieces….

Written by AHQ

18 February 2016

We have some new people joining in so I thought it was time to go over a few basics, which I will try and do in coming weeks, starting with labels as I have had a few queries about them in recent weeks.

As you know Aussie Hero Quilts must have a label on it with our special wording…

This is an
made for an
Aussie Hero
with gratitude for your service.

You can add to the wording if you like, ie who the quilt is made for or who the quilt is made by etc and even add your own message as long as the basic message includes all the above. Even the blog name and email address are essential as I have had people contact me two or three years after receiving their quilts by referring to the label.

Your labels can be printed on printable fabric – I get mine from here. I only buy seconds and they have never been a problem.   I can email you the template I use if you like, I fit six labels to a sheet. 

You can also use a Michron Pigma pen to hand write your labels. These are available in most quilt stores.   Hand writing not neat enough?  Try printing out the wording on a plain sheet of paper, taping it to a window and tracing over it.  

I am not an expert in other pens and you can’t just trust a permanent marker or a laundry marker as not all of them are as permanent as you would imagine.  If you want to use something other than a pigma pen please write on a test piece first and run it through the wash with your laundry a few times just to be safe.

A few people have told me that they print their own labels by ironing fabric onto freezer paper and putting it through their printer.  As far as I know this does not work as the fabric that is sold to go through the printer is treated to make the printing colour fast…. if your fabric has not been treated, again you should do a test and wash it to see how long the printing lasts.

Lots of people have been able to take advantage of Hilary’s kind offer to print labels and send them to you in response to a stamped self addressed label. If you would like to do this please email me for her address.  Make sure you send Hilary a study envelope please and I suggest and A5 size so she does not have to fold the label too much. Also, as Hilary may be away for a week or two at times please send your request for a label as soon as you take on a request to make a quilt so that she has plenty of time to print your label and get it to you, even if she goes away for a week or two. 

So that is the low down on our labels.  

I very proud Grandma sent me in a photo of her granddaughter who visited the Australian War Memorial with her Recruit Course and made a special effort to get a photo with the Centenary Quilt. How lovely!  I am not sure how much longer the quilt will be on display but I can tell you that its days are numbered.  Best you check first, give the AWM a call. If you want to visit it after it has been taken down just send me an email and I will tell you how to make an appointment.

And just because it is such a gorgeous photo and every very proud grandma should have bragging rights, here is another photo of Janine’s grand daughter. I am sure you will all join with me in wishing her the absolute best for her career in the RAAF.


Finally, how many of you listen to Macca’s program on the ABC Radio on Sunday mornings?
I have it on good authority that you should make the effort to listen this Sunday, especially if you made a laundry bag or a quilt for our fellows in Butterworth over Christmas.   I happen to know that someone will be phoning in.  Let me know if you hear it.

Till next time………………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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  1. Janine C

    Thank you Jan-Maree – from the very proud Nana of this future RAAF Trauma nurse and Paramedic.


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