HMAS Darwin’s home-coming

Written by AHQ

1 July 2016

G’day all, 
Just a short message…..  

CMDR Phillip Henry, Commanding Officer of HMAS Darwin, has extended an invitation to all those who made a quilt or laundry bag for one of his crew members to attend the wharf when their fine ship arrives home to Sydney next month. 

If you are interested in being there to welcome home your recipients and our ship-load of heroes please can you email me with your details. 

I need full names of those attending and car registrations please. 

Although you are asked to give your rego, be warned that parking is at a premium so if you are able to arrive via public transport you might find that easier. 

Please email the details to me at fr**********@gm***.com and most important….please make the subject line read WELCOMING HMAS DARWIN to make it easier for me. 

ALSO… if you volunteered to make a quilt/laundry bag for HMAS Perth can you please email me to let me know as I have lost those records and need to re-create them so that noone misses out and noone gets a second quilt or bag. 

Still working on reconstructing our records and the request list. Please, please, please pay attention to the blog for updates and requests for info to make my job much easier. 


Big thanks to the ladies who came today to help me unpack all my salvaged kitchen-ware and dinner-ware….. I think may have just a bit too much. 

Till next time…… keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Jan-Maree xx

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1 Comment

  1. Sandra Askill

    My heart wants to be wharf side to see this fine ship return home but alas my head and my body needs to stay here. A big welcome home to the captain and crew from
    Sandy A.


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