Weekly Dispatches 8th December 2017

Written by AHQ

8 December 2017

Hi to all you Guys and Gals Sewing for Aussie Hero Quilts

Well it is official, the Sydney drivers are crazy!  It is supposed to be a season for “Good will to all men” and of course women, but I’m sure there are a few people out there who are unaware of this.  Thank goodness for our police force doing a great job of trying to keep us safe.  I have been breathe tested three times in the last week.  Well done to them.
A big thank you to all you sewers too.  Another fantastic week of hand made gifts for our recipients.

            So far for 2017 we have sent off 1663 quilts 

Bringing our total since we started to over 8,306 quilts


3147 laundry bags for the year 

Which brings us to a total of 16,324 since we started…

Su J

Alison McL

Anne D

Anne Hu

Anne Hu

Bev C

Bev C

Bev C

Bev F

Bev F

Bev F

Bev F

Bev M

Bev U

Blocks by Lisa P top by Judy McF quilted by Lynne V and bound by Jo H



Cathie J

Cathie J
Cathie J





Debbie N

Debbie N

Fabric donated by Kelly W top by Bev F, quilted by Philomena

Rita C


Jean B

Jean B

Jennifer L

Jenny N

Jenny W

Joy H

Joy H

Kathy W

Kerry B, Marise, Bridget, embroidery by Cheri and Melissa G

Lisa N (back)

Lisa N (front)

Lynne B

Lynne B

Maree J

Maree J

Maree J

Marg B

Marg B

Margaret B

Margaret B



Melissa L





Rebecca K

Robyn H

Ruth S

Ruth S

Sally R

Sandra R

Sandra R

Shirley W


Sue O’D

Sue N

Sue O’D

Top by Di G and Jo R and quilted by Mary M
The following three tops are by Kerry B with embroidered patches by Cheri and Melissa G.  Quilts completed by the WPH ladies 
Great job team!

What a tremendous haul!  Great work everyone!
Well, it is official that Christmas and all the wonderful food we have available here in Australia, makes you fat!  I can see my waistline spreading.  Well there is always the New Year resolution to bring it back under control.  Thank you again for all the creative work.  The gifts will make a huge difference for those away from their families.
Have a fun time at all the Christmas get togethers!
See you round like a rissole

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