This is an extra post – the rest of the story is coming but in the mean time I just had to say……….
Wow, you guys are terrific and by that I mean all you lovely people who have jumped on board as followers and those who have also emailed me and left comments to say that you are happy to help!!! This is just a brief post as I have to prepare for a quilt group meeting tomorrow. I have seven quilts for us to work on and I need to make sure that we have everything we need. Don’t want to leave anything behind!
I just had to say THANK YOU and let you in on a secret I just found out –
ok well it isn’t a secret or I wouldn’t be telling you
ok well it isn’t a secret or I wouldn’t be telling you
but it is great news anyway!
I just heard that there are soldiers in Afghanistan reading this blog and loving all the comments! How great is that….and that is because of all of you!
So, a very big thankyou
and please
And finally, just because I think posts are boring without pictures here are the latest two laundry bags I have completed
Till next time – happy stitching – and keep spreading the word!!!