I am now immensely proud to tell you that the latest soldier to be injured and sent to Germany for treatment was given one of our Wounded Warrior Quilts.  I don’t know which one and it doesn’t matter.  These are the quilts that we hope will never be used but the reality is that at least we had one where it was needed and I hope it will raise his spirits to know that we care. A huge thank to all who make Aussie Heroes possible.  I truly think we are making a difference.

Tonight I received this message from From Posie, the lovely warrant officer’s wife.  It is a comment on the LOOOONG post but I thought I should post it here as some of you might miss it and I think you need to know how much people appreciate what we are doing.

Now Jan-Maree, at the wedding we attended on Friday, the groom came bounding over to say thank you for the quilts, at his own wedding, he made a bee line to thank you via me!! Then the bride came over & said thank you too, she was thrilled with the quilt her new husband brought home from Afghanistan. Then all the boys around me starting singing your praises, loving the laundry bags too, they were so proud of them.  thank you, love Posie

Those were the quilts and laundry bags that the Gumnuts, my quilt group, helped me send last year.  They were the very original quilts and laundry bags  – the ones from which Aussie Heroes was born!

I suppose I should at some point explain why I call the Warrant officer the lovely warrant officer and not something more manly.  That could just be my sense of humour coupled with the deep affection I have for the SNCO’s I served with when I was in the services.  As an officer you learn to really appreciate your staff as they are the ones with the experience and the wealth of knowledge.   In most cases, the Warrant Officers are pretty tough characters, some can be down right scary and you would certainly tread carefully with them especially if you were a junior rank.  Even an Army Captain that I have dealt with since starting Aussie Heroes wrote  to me  “in my experience most Warrant Officers would deny having anything approaching a weakness anyway!  And glare at anyone who would suggest otherwise, officers included.”   Well, I am a civvie now so have nothing to fear.  I needed a way to identify him so that you would know who I was talking about and I didn’t want to have to keep saying the original warrant officer – I supposed I could have called him He Who Can’t Be Named but that has Evil Wizard connotations so the lovely warrant officer it is – and boy!  I bet he is glad he is anonymous! – well at least to most.  I guess the guys are the wedding know who he is but I don’t think they are paying out on him – in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t even read the blog because the lovely Warrant officer didn’t want to be found out!

I am going to try and start a new routine and each Friday I will show you a run down off all quilts that have been sent on their way.     So here goes for this week.

I am going to try and start a new routine and each Friday I will show you a run down off all quilts that have been sent on their way.     So here goes for this week.

This was made by Caroline

And was sent with the impossible-to-lose and got-to-make-you-smile laundry bag.
Tracey sent this lovely off – look closely and all the prints are post marks or tickets!
And another bright laundry bag
Elizabeth from Turramurra quilts made this top and Carol quilted it.
I sent off this pretty laundry bag this week  – not saying which quilt (if any of these) went with it coz Miss N S might be peaking!
This gorgeous quilt top was made by Maria from WA and quilted by Carol of Turramurra quilters.  Another great tea towel quilt!
Erika has put this very appropriate quilt in the mail.
Pip made this BOM quilt and and sent it off.
Kitty farewelled her son – he had been home on leave from the Army for a few days serving in Oz – and after sending him off she sent this off 
And tomorrow I will be sending off this replacement WWQ made by Linda and quilted by Carol, both of Turramurra Quilters.
And I will update this tomorrow night – when it was actually supposed to be posted (hmrph!)  if there is anything to add.  I can’t believe I have done this TWICE now.  There goes any credibility re being organised!  

Till next time…………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!