Words on Wednesday 18 Jan 17

Written by AHQ

18 January 2017

Hi all..

Wherever you are I hope you are able to keep cool in the heatwave that we all seem to be having at the moment. 

Before tonight’s messages…. I received a parcel with a thank you note and a magnet in it for an Anne P who made a Laundry Bag…. I do not have an Anne P on my books so if I can only assume that she is from a group that has sewn for us. In those cases I only have the name of the coordinator.  I would like to get the card and magnet to her so if you have an Anne P in your group email me with her surname and if it is the right Anne I will forward the parcel.  

Additionally, if you coordinate a group that sews for us regularly please make sure you give me the names of your members if you can.  Also, when you put a note in with your quilt or LB please add your postal and email address so that you can be contacted.

Enjoy tonight’s messages….


Dear Clarissa,

I received your AHQ Laundry Bag this week and wanted to say a wholehearted thankyou for taking the time to make it for me! I knew very little about your sewing group prior to deploying and so am thrilled that such a great idea has taken off and continues to provide joy and colour to those who receive the bags and quilts. They definitely stand out in the laundry compared to the plain bags we are originally issued and it looks great hanging up in my room. Fear not, you nailed the Honda logo, and it looks very sharp with the colours too 🙂 

I’m looking forward to returning to Australia where I’ll be taking a quick break and purchasing a new sportsbike (hence the requested theme!) before getting back into the work routine and preparing for the next training exercise. Once again, thankyou very much for the laundry bag, wishing you the best for 2017 as well.

Kind regards,



Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Thank you so very much for the gorgeous laundry bag and goodies.
The work AHQ do brings a lot of joy and happiness to everyone over here.
I have a little long haired dachshund named Hattie, who I’m missing dearly, so doing my laundry will definitely bring a smile to my face now.

Thank you again

Good day Jan-Maree and the Aussie Hero Quilts team,

I’m writing to you today to pass on my warmest regards and sincere thanks for not only the quilt you have lovingly made for me, but my fellow brothers and sisters in the forces. 

Ma’am, I apologise for the belated thank you, it’s been a whirlwind after coming back from operations. You all do amazing work, as it shows in not only your excellent craftsmanship, but the time taken to make each quilt and laundry bag personal, with a hand written note and well wishes passed on. 

My quilt was perfect, and the colour scheme is exactly alike to my favourite football (soccer) team in Uruguay, where my father is from. The rising sun, crafted by Cheri in Tasmania, was also magnificent. 
Keep up all the fantastic,, hard work you’re all doing. I know I’m not the only one who appreciates the efforts you go to, to provide a homely touch to the monotony of deployed life overseas. 
I hope the new year brings you health and good fortune, and the absolute best for your future endeavours.
Thank you again! 


Dear April, 

I was delighted to receive your parcel today. The laundry bag you made me will come in very handy and the colours are perfect.  I appreciate your thoughts for all of us over here, but often I think it is people like yourself that are the true Aussie heroes. It certainly sounds as though you sacrifice a lot of your time for your community and that is a huge deal in my opinion. Coupled with that you are a teacher and that is a very impressive effort for one person. Sir John Monash, when asked if he would run for politics after the war, stated that the best thing for Australia is a good education and the ballot box – plus some other stuff. The key is that the future of Australia lies in the hands of teachers, in particular, the science and maths teachers like yourself. I am a Mechanical Engineer and could not have completed that level of education without a solid education. So thank you very much for the laundry bag and for all of your contributions to Australia and your community


G’day Sue

I just received your parcel! And I can’t express how touched I am by all the effort and sentiment, it was incredibly thoughtful of you 🙂

We’re nearing the end of our time here, with scant few weeks remaining the mood is rapidly improving. We’ve been working quite hard, in a limited space with the same people day-in, day-out. I’m sure you can imagine the friction this causes at times.

I’m looking forward to heading home, I’m based in XXXXX at the moment. I’ve been missing the surf so the imagery on your quilt is very sweet. I don’t know much about quilting but I can tell the quality of your work is very high. And the chocolates have been enjoyed by all the guys (and the few gals) in the workshop.

Sue, thank you so much for the care package. This deployment constitutes a very interesting period in my life, it has given me a lot of to think about, in regards to Australia’s involvement with matters abroad and what it means to do a job well. I’d be happy to do it all over again, and my personal desire is to see people treat each other with more compassion and a greater appreciation of our similarities.

I wish you and your family a very safe, and a very fulfilling start to the new year.

All the best.


Joan & Robin,

Thank you very much for the lovely laundry bag. It certainly does remind me of handyman jobs. In fact it reminds me of my classic car I am looking forward to working on when I get home.

Thank you very much

Hi Joan,

I’m writing to personally thank you for the Spider-Man laundry bag you made. I only recently received it and was absolutely delighted! 

I really appreciate all the effort you put into it and thank you so much!!! 
I wish you all the best for 2107! 
Once again thank you! 


Dear Beverley,

I am the lucky recipient of a quilt you made on behalf of AHQ for me.
I absolutely love the design, it fits me perfectly, and it brings so much colour to a room that was once fifty shades of brown.
I feel very humbled that you spent so much time and effort making a beautiful quilt and laundry bag for a stranger like me.
Thank you very much.

This is my first deployment and I am loving the experience, but I must admit I do miss my partner and family.
Your quilt sure helps.

Thank you once again for supporting service men and women, we really appreciate it.

Hi Kaye,

I am on deployment at the moment and have just received the Laundry Bag you made, through our Chaplain.

It is great, and I am sending you this message to let you know how much I appreciate the time and effort you have put into it.
I chose it for its colourful design and the native Australian Birds you have featured on it.
It is really nice that you care.
Thanks Heaps!

Hi Sarah-Jane,

I recently received the quilt that you made for me (superhero themed).

I am writing to personally thank you! It is absolutely amazing and made my day to open the package and see it! I appreciate all the time and effort you put into it and thank you for being involved in providing these for deployed people like myself!!! You did so well and I put it straight on my bed!! It will after this trip become my couch quilt and will be very loved!!!

Once again thank you and cute dogs!!! The letter was also awesome to read!! 


Hi Clarissa

I recently received your package whilst on deployment to the middle east.

First of all on behalf of all the members deployed we say thank you to all the volunteers who do great work for Aussie Hero Quilts. It’s definitely a moral boost when we receive a package from Aussie Hero Quilts.

And personally I would like to thank you Clarissa for the laundry bag, it gives me great pride to know that people back in Australia are thinking about us whilst we’re on deployment, and also gives me great satisfaction to know my contribution here is for our country and people like you and your family whom love it so much.

Thank you for the card and the treats they are greatly appreciated. 

So I would like to thank you again for your gift, I truly appreciate it. Keep up the good work.

Till next time….. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree  xxx

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