Winding down for Christmas …. and a gift suggestion

Written by AHQ

14 December 2015

G’day all.  Well I don’t know about where you are, but where I am it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas… the queues at the Post Office are miles long even before the doors have opened!!   LOL  I have another big mail out to do before the end of the week and then I think I will be done til after Christmas…. except for checking the mail.

Down to business though…

As Christmas comes around Aussie Heroes quietens down… just a little.  I need to take advantage of that because I don’t really get a break through the rest of the year.   I am the one who answers the emails and Facebook messages. I write most of the blog posts except for the Happy Mail that Caroline writes with help from Helen C collecting the mail and sorting the photos.  During December and the beginning of January I reduce the number of blog posts to three a week.   This week there will be four, no post on Thursday, but next week I will only be posting on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday … unless something special comes up and with Christmas and New Year coming… you just never know.  

If you think I am going to be bored without the blog to write every night you will be wrong. This is the time of the year that my sewing machine gets a solid work out… I get more sewing done in December and January than the rest of the year, or at least it feels that way… and I have a bunch of quilts and laundry bags on my list that I am just dying to get into!

I will still be answering emails and managing the requests so if you want to request a quilt or bag or you want to sew some just let me know….

So now to Christmas…. does anyone need another gift suggestion?  I have one for you… I am partway through reading this book and I have to say I am really enjoying it.

“The Promise” by Jamie Zimmerman.

I was drawn to it because it is a tale of friendship, about a mate keeping a promise to another mate.  If you have ever wondered about the bond that forms between brothers in arms this is the book for you to read. I think it will increase your understanding about service and the associated sacrifices that involves.  I don’t think you will regret buying it.  I am enjoying is so much that I thought I should share it. 

Til next time………………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Jan-Maree  xx

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1 Comment

  1. Sue Niven

    Thanks for sharing, I will check it out.


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