Weekly Dispatches 5 Feb

Written by AHQ

5 February 2016

Another week down and more awesome quilts and laundry bags heading off to their recipients.

Before I get to the Show and Tell don’t forget to pop in to the Casula Powerhouse on Sunday from 10 am say hello.   You will be able to find us easily as we have our new BANNER.  At last people will know who we are and will be able to find us when we go to shows etc.

Big thanks to Glo-Anne D’Souza for the artwork.  🙂

Also, in last night’s post I published the wrong address for the blocks of the month – doh!  Must have been having a blonde moment (cause I am waaaay too young for a senior moment!).

Here is the proper address….

Caroline Gunn 
PO Box 3079
St Marys South NSW 2760

And now enjoy the show and tell of this week’s dispatches…

So far for 2016 we have sent off 241 laundry bags 

which brings us to a total of  8058 since we started...


We have also sent 120 quilts 

bringing our total since we started to over 5383 quilts

Sue N 
Anna N 
Bev M 
Bonnie O 
Carmel P 
Clare D 
Denise H 
Di R 
Di T
Diana McI
The next two were quilt tops that was sent to me… did you make them? Please let me know if you recognise them so that I can give you credit and let you know who they have gone to.
Helen S
Janelle S
Janet H 
Judith W
Judy G 
Julie Ann
Kay W 
Kaye G 
Kim A and quilted by Lisa N 
and yes there are two the same…. 🙂
Leanne W 
Lisa B 
 Lisa N 
Lyn K 
Melissa G, this lovely quilt is a special one going to hang in a quiet room – a place where the chaplain can take people to chat to them or perhaps, pass on bad news.  
Melissa T
Rita M 
Robyn W
Sandy A
Su J 
And if you can’t see your photo for some reason by all means check with me as I do sometimes forget to upload some for one reason or another, but also, if it is distinctive I will try to wait til the recipient has received it!
Til next  time …………………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Jan-Maree xx

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  1. Jo

    Wow, what a great week

  2. cindy

    As always.. Amazing work!

  3. Jacqui D

    Beautiful, well done everyone!


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