Weekly Dispatches 07 April 17

Written by AHQ

7 April 2017

Hi all, thanks for your patience. I am training a new “willing” volunteer how to write the blog posts so it takes a little time. Hope you enjoy the show and tell. 

So far for 2017 we have sent off 876 laundry bags 

which brings us to a total of 13928 since we started…


We have also sent 523 quilts 

bringing our total since we started to over 7173 quilts



Blocks by Ann W, Embroideries by Rita M and Quilt top pieced and quilted by Gail

Anne C

Bev C

Bev F

This quilt is made from BOMs which were pieced into a top by Di G.  The embroidery was completed by Sandy C and the quilting was completed by Bridget and it was bound by Gail. This quilt is descended for a very special location but you will have to wait for it to be received before I can tell you.

Carol G

Carol W

Cathie J


Colleen S

Deb B WA

Deb M

Deb S

Denise H

Di Gr

Diane M 

Donna J 

Fran T

Gail S

Glenda D using BOM’s 

Helen P

Jenny R

Jill B

Jan Maree


Joy H

Kerry Created the embroideries and Robyn created the quilt top and it was quilted by Belinda

Lisa N

Maree J

Maree W


MUC Pilgrim Patchworkers



Ruth S

Sharon H

Sue W

Susan P

Wendy L

Wyn M

Great job everyone, 
Till next time…….Keep spreading the word, happy stitching and well done to Shelley for her first blog post.

Jan-Maree  xxx 

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  1. kiwikid

    Fantastic collection once again.

  2. Unknown

    Fantastic collection of quilts and laundry bags this week

  3. Jacqui D

    Well done everyone, and well done Shelley!


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