Weekly Despatches 4th May 2018

Written by AHQ

4 May 2018

Hello to all you wonderful clever and crafty people!
Here in Sydney we are finally starting to feel the cooler mornings starting.  It has been the hottest consistent number of days in April on record. So if you were wondering whether it was just you feeling hot in bed, you can relax.  Even if you are hot stuff, the evenings were hot too!

So far for 2018 we have sent off 509 quilts

            Bringing our total since we started to over 8,924 quilts


               1116 laundry bags for the year so far

             which brings us to a total of 17,712 since we started






Ann H

Ann H

BOM Design & Artwork Sandy, Top Cheryl D and Quilting Mary M

BOM Design and Artwork Sandy C, Top Jenny D and Quilting Lynne V

BOM Design Sandy C, Top Ange H Quilting Lynne V

BOM Design Sandy C, Top Cheryl D and Quilted by Mary M




Bronwyn C

Carol G

Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Carolyn M

Cath Hpr

Chris E

Chris E

Chris E

Chris E

Chris E

Chris E

Deb and Grace

Deb and Grace

Deb and Grace

Deb and Grace

Deb and Grace

Debbie N

Design Sandy C Top Aletha G, Quilting Lynne V

Di T

Di T

Di T

Di T

Ellen N

Ellen N

Fran T

Helen and Pat


Jan E







Jean B

Jean B

Jean B

Jenny N

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jill B

June A

June A

June A

June A

Katie, quilted by Lisa N

Lisa N

Lisa N

Lisa N

Lisa N

Lyn K

Lyn K

Lyn K

Lyn K

Lyn K

Lyn K

Lyn K

Lyn K

Lyn K

Lyn K

Lyn K

Lyn K

Lynn quilted by Keryn

Melissa L

Noeleen W

Noeleen W

Noeleen W

Noeleen W

Noeleen W

Noeleen W

Noeleen Wi

Noeleen Wi

Noeleen Wi

Noeleen Wi

Noeleen Wi


Quilt top by Norma, applique by Clarissa and quilted by Bridget

Raelene S

Ruth S

Ruth S

Ruth S







Sandy C

Shirley D

Su J

Sue N

Sue N

What and amazingly productive week you have all had, with over one hundred and forty gifts submitted. The array of work is outstanding the creative ideas are fantastic.  From one who is less creative, you have my admiration.
Well as we are in May now, (yes that is the 5th month of the year already), we are now officially past all of our public holidays until June.   School holidays are over for a while and we are heading into winter!  Enjoy the Autumn colours in the cooler regions.

See you round like a rissole

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