Hi to One and All!
Well,we are into November already!
There apparently are only 56 days available for shopping before Christmas!!!
(why would we require 56 days, you ask?) Well there is nothing like a little paranoia that you won’t be organised to get you out shopping!!!
Let’s hope that the lovely gifts you are making will be the best ever Christmas and New Year gifts that the Recipients receive.
So far for 2017 we have sent off 1500 quilts
bringing our total since we started to over 8,143 quilts
2842 laundry bags for the year
Which brings us to a total of 15,899 since we started…
Bev C
Ann H
Bev C
Bev C
Bev M
BOMs by Kerry, top by Violet P, appliques by Di g, quilted by Lynne V, bound by Sandy C
BOM’s pieced into top by Ange H and Nola B, Quilting by Mary M binding by Sandy C
Carol N
Carol W
Caroline L
Cathie J
Chris E
Chris E
Debbie N
Debbie N
Debbie N
Janis K
Janis K
Jen S
Jess L-salute to the fact that Jess is 14 years old and made this quilt as a school project, more on her story later
Jess L
Joy H
Kaye G
Kerry B, quilted by Alison and appliqued by Clarissa
Robyn H
Robyn Wh
Robyn Wh
Robyn Wh
Robyn Wh
Ruth S
Ruth S
Ruth S
Sandra R
Sharon F
Sharon F
Sharon H
Sue N
Sue N
Once again you wonderful people have dazzled me with your special talents.
The recipients are going to be thrilled to receive their personalised presents.
Have a great weekend! Don’t let the silly season take over your life.
See ya round like a rissole!
Wow! We have all been Busy Bees !