Visit to HMAS Sydney

Written by AHQ

28 April 2023

 A glorious autumn day in Melbourne saw seven AHQ volunteers taking a guided tour on HMAS Sydney which was berthed at Station Pier in Port Melbourne. There were 4 AHQ volunteers and 3 friends who support AHQ. Geoff and Bev C travelled from Bendigo, Melissa L from South East Melbourne. Christine C and friends from just across the Westgate Bridge. 


Our tour guide SBLT R welcomed us on board and gave us an in-depth tour of the ship. Highlights were a visit to the bridge, viewing the missiles and gun at close range, seeing the busy control room and sick bay. We all enjoyed the challenges of the steep ladders. 


View from the Bridge

We all commented on how friendly the personnel were and how happy they seemed in their jobs. We discovered that currently the average age of the personnel working on the bridge is 23!!


Group on the Bridge (Christine C in blue, Bev (front) & Geoff C and Melissa L in purple)

As personnel met, or interacted with us, when they were told we were from AHQ they either spoke about their quilts and laundry bags already received or mentioned they had put in a request. Some spoke of the joy of receiving them whilst deployed in the Middle East and how great the treats and care packages were. The constant theme was amazement that volunteers who don’t know them, make quilts and LB for them.


A couple of LBs hanging in a cabin.


A wonderful afternoon and opportunity arranged by Jan-Maree. Thank you to all involved in arranging, taking the tour and chatting and having photos with us.


Story by Christine C.



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