Three for the Medical Centre at Al Minhad Air Base

Written by AHQ

7 July 2014

Hi all,
Hope you had an enjoyable weekend.  Tonight’s post is all bits and pieces so please bear with me.  

First up do you remember those gorgeous blocks we did for the Brisbane dinner challenge?  You were given some really lovely gumleaf fabric and challenged to go away and make a block of your choice.  We ended up with enough blocks to make three quilts.  All the blocks were sent to Lynn and she assembled them in to these three gorgeous quilt and then Robyn quilted and bound them.  They have now been sent off to the Medical Centre in AMAB to be used when any of our defence members are admitted to the medical centre or the hospital in Dubai.  

When I was first asked for quilts for this purpose I arranged for Nancy to send three of her quilts with Aussie Animal quilting over there.  I heard the quilts had arrived and we were sent a photo of one of the quilts adorning one of the beds in the centre.   

I didn’t expect to hear much more of the quilts much less a personal recount from someone who had used one but then in March this year I flew to Adelaide and as well as catching up with quilters over there I also met the lovely H and presented him with his quilt.  This is a story he told me.

Whilst deployed, I had the misfortune of  becoming food poisoned one evening. It was awful and I was all twisted up in painful knots. I was eventually found outside by a colleague, taken to the medical centre and placed under the care of a nurse. I was  treated and taken to bed to rest. I immediately started to feel better and then the nurse placed an Aussie Hero Quilt over me so that I could sleep and I overwhelmingly felt happy and comforted by its familiar sight and touch. It also felt so nice to be wrapped up in a quilt that I knew was put together by amazing people with enormously generous hearts – it really helped me to feel cared for and cared about. It definitely eased my pain on the night and helped me feel better. I slept soundly and woke up the next morning feeling a million times better – I remain extremely grateful to this day!

It has taken me longer than I had hoped to get these quilts completed and on their way but, as always, I had to give priority to those who are deployed.  At last these quilts are on their way to AMAB to be used when needed.

Never be afraid to tell people what you are doing and who you are doing it for.  You never know what reaction you will get, usually positive in some way and you never know who that person might tell.  

Joan shared a story with me the other day and I thought I would share it with you.  

Lovely things follow lovely things.
I saw some soccer material on eBay and wrote to the lady, asked for a price on the 3 metres she had available and told her about Aussie Hero Quilts. She has just replied and has offered me a deal on the three metres she has left. She looked us up on google and is now going to spruck us to people she talks with.

Leanne also shared a story 

A young chap came into work today to have us sew on his name badge and Australia badge.  Was quite funny actually.  We are  a motor trimming shop, so I suppose we have sewing machines.  Big ones.  As he was about to leave I asked him if he was about to deploy as he goes to Townsville on Saturday.  The answer was soon.  So I asked if he had been deployed before and he had been twice.  Iraq and Afganistan but hadn’t heard of AHQ so I gave him some quick info.  He seemed in a hurry so I didn’t hold him up but would have loved to have chatted with him a bit more.  But I passed the word on and that is the main thing.  Leanne

You just never know what will come of it when you spread the word.  

Finally, before I go.   We have two Mystery Quilts on the go.  I have all the volunteers I need for the dachshund quilt but I could use some more stars for the Blue/Sport/Outback Star quilt.   If anyone is interested in making a block or two please let me know.

Till next time……………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  JMxx

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