The ANZAC Tribute Quilt ……. and going off-line for much of tomorrow……

Written by AHQ

25 July 2017

A few months ago we all worked together to make this gorgeous (even if I do say so myself) ANZAC Tribute Quilt.  I have been waiting for the photo of the quilt being displayed and YAY, it came last night.

The poppies for this quilt were sent in from all over Australia from lots of different quilters. Don’t they look wonderful.  The silhouette in this quilt come from a photo taken by CPL Jake Sims, Army photographer, when he was in Iraq for ANZAC Day last year. What an amazing photo. 

Here is the quilt now, proudly displayed in the entrance hall to Headquarters Joint Task Force 633 in Al Minhad Air Base (AMAB) in Dubai, and next to the portraits of those ADF personnel who paid the ultimate sacrifice whilst deployed on OP Catalyst/OP Slipper.

What a privilege to have a quilt displayed in such a prominent position. 

I will essentially be off-line for most of today. I leave home around 8am tomorrow morning to go to Maitland where I am the guest speaker for a luncheon.   I will be presenting a quilt at RAAF Williamtown in the late afternoon before heading home to Sydney.  Thankfully,  I am travelling up with my good friend and mate from my days in the Air Force, Drew.   He has kindly agreed to drive me as there is no way I could drive to Maitland, Newcastle and back in one day.  

It will be after 7pm by the time I get back and even later once we have eaten dinner soooooo 
I will get to emails when I can.  It may be Thursday before I have caught up so please bear with me. I will be checking emails during the day and will respond to you when and if I can. 

Till next time,…….. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx 

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