Quilts after deployment….

Written by AHQ

24 August 2016

Sometimes I receive photos of recipients with their quilts after they have returned home.  I was chatting to this fellow last week and he told me he had to go into hospital for surgery and I suggested that he take his Aussie Hero Quilt with him so that the staff knew they had someone special that they had to take good care of in their midst.   

Looks like he took my advice!  And yes, he gave me permission to share this photo. 🙂

He reads our FB page so if you leave him a get well wish he will be able to read and enjoy them. 

Aussie Hero Quilts….. providing comfort whilst on deployment and continuing to do duty back here in Australia.  

Till next time…………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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  1. Unknown

    Hoping you recover quickly. Thank you for your service.

  2. kiwikid

    Hope the operation went well for you.


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