Quick update on Operation Cover Cameron.

Written by AHQ

23 October 2014

For those of you who were not following us earlier this year Cameron was deployed on Operation Slipper with HMAS Darwin when it was discovered he has cancer and had to come home to Australia to commence treatment.  Aussie Hero volunteers worked as a team to put together a quilt and laundry bag for him.  They were delivered to him in hospital earlier this year by myself and Maridy the wife of the Captain of his ship.   

A few days ago I wrote to Cameron’s dad to see how Cameron is going a few months on as I have been thinking of him myself but also have had a number of inquiries from other Aussie Hero quilters.    Here is the reply I received from Rob,Cameron’s Dad. I have Rob and  Cameron’s blessing to share this update.

Hi Jan-Maree

Cameron has undergone a huge amount of changes in the last 8 weeks and we have some good news but tainted with some not so good news.
Cam underwent a 12 hour operation about 6 weeks ago which removed the tumor in his hip, removed and replaced his hip joint, as well as the removal and replacement of about half of his femur bone. All this means that he has his mobility back, albeit with the assistance of a wheel chair and increasingly crutches. He is now free to come and go as he wishes and has started to put weight back on as he continues to have a meal in every café, bistro & cake shop in and around Randwick!

The not so good news is that the initial 2 rounds of chemo, that is the first 10 weeks at POW Hospital, that were hoped to kill most of the cancer cells in the tumor failed. Quite what the implications of this are not known due to a lack of research done in this area but more importantly for Cameron is the cancer has not spread anywhere, therefore, the chemo continues on the assumption that whilst the chemo did not affect the tumor it has had some affect on stopping rogue cancer cells from spreading. He has also been undergoing a 4 week block of radiation therapy as a further precaution.

Obviously we remain positive and Cameron should be able to return home to Brisbane within the next two weeks to continue his chemo there which is scheduled to complete mid January 2015. Quite what the future holds for Cameron is unknown but be rest assured when the chemo is complete he intends to get out there and grab life by the horns!

Once again I would like to thank you for the quilt and the time and effort that your members put in to making it because when all’s said and done the time and effort put in to making it goes a lot further than the quilt itself. Knowing that there are folk out there, throughout Australia, who are willing to give their time up to support the men and women of the ADF gives us great comfort and the smile it put on Cameron’s face when you presented it to him is tangible proof that you guys are doing a great thing.

I know you will all join with me in wishing Cameron and his wonderful family all the very best.  
Till next time………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching. 

Jan-Maree xx

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