547 Quilt 578 Laundry Bags 

UPDATE on requests.  
The next six weeks or so might be a bit quiet as far as requests are concerned so if you complete a quilt and I don’t have a name for you please don’t be discouraged.  We will be getting a whole new round of requests come early to mid-November.  I have a few other  irons in the fire for October too so please bear with me.  I have to think twice about what information I share on the blog as you never know who is reading it so email me if you can’t wait.  

I have put it out there on Facebook but I am actively collecting names for those that are going to be away for Christmas, even if they haven’t deployed yet, so send me an email if you know someone that will need a quilt over the Christmas period.

Also, if you are new to Aussie Heroes, and I know there are some of you out there, please send me your contact details if you would like me to put you on the Register of Aussie Hero Friends and also if you would like me to put you on the Aussie Hero Volunteer email list.  That is what I use to let volunteers know that there is a new request or to pass on information that I cannot share publicly.

Here are the Quilts of the Week.

The Chatting Chooks made this quilt and it is going off
to a fellow who received one of Angela’s laundry bags.

Angela also made this uber cute quilt for Terry  – the turtle mascot!

Another gorgeous quilt for Liz

This is the quilt that Liz made for me to take to Canberra for Show and Tell and I have now found a worthy recipient for it.

Judith made this cute dog handler quilt

and Marg made a quilt for the dog to go with it.

This quilt was made by Maddy from Perth.  This is her first Aussie Hero Quilt.  
Nice and bright!

And her first laundry bag.

More of Jill’s handiwork.  She put four quilts in the mail this week but I can’t show you one of them as it is way too distinctive.  I will have to wait till it has been received!
Instructions for this will be available in the near future!

And another of Jill’s quilts. Instructions for this will be available – probably next week.

This one is half a jelly roll race.  More details to follow if you are interested.
Hilary made the next quilt and laundry bag and sent them off to the son-in-law of a friend of hers.

These are Hilary’s first Aussie Hero goodies – lucky son-in-law!

Sue S and Aileen from SA made this quilt together.

Julie from SA made this fun one.

Not sure what you are going to read tomorrow night seeing as that is the one night that I don’t do a post?  Get yourself a copy of the Down Under Quilts Magazine Issue no. 154 and ……….
read all about Aussie Heroes!

Till next time……………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!